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Ruby didn't want to die like this. She wanted to live long and die old, like a normal girl would. Instead, she was stuck in a battle that could cost her life and she was determined not to lose it. She swung her spear, cutting down three ninjas and kicked another one. The other four were doing fine. Mikey was laughing as he knocked down a few, his grin big and wide. Raph was just dropping punches everywhere, bringing out his weapons every once in a while. Leo was swing his swords in two silver blurs and Donny was the same with his staff.

The ninjas seemed to be getting thinner as they cut them down. Pretty soon, there was just one more group of ten left.

Ruby stood with her staff held ready, "Why so many? Didn't want to take any chances?" She asked.

The group simply charged toward them. The four turtles took on two at a time. Ruby got the last two. She dispatched one easily, the other harder than she expected. He had fast reflexes and seemed to know her every move. The two went for a while, trying to land a blow when Ruby hit a wall. She was trapped. The ninja didn't waste any time and took out a needle. He injected it into her neck. She gave a small scream and elbowed him in the stomach. She quickly grabbed her staff and it landed in his stomach.

The four turtles stood, their ninjas on the ground. Donny looked at her with concern, "Are you okay?" He had heard her scream and was worried.

Ruby smiled, "yeah....yeah I'm okay." She cleaned her spear a bit, "We should get back to Master Splinter." She headed down the tunnel.

Raph frowned, "Well, this isn't good. It's not like she screamed for no reason now did she?"

Leo shook his head, "I would think not, but maybe she just needs some time before she can tell anyone." They followed her to the other hideout.

Splinter stood waiting for them outside the door, "You have made it, you had me worried." He said with a small sigh of relief.

"It wasn't that hard." Raph said as he cracked his knuckles with a smirk on his face.

"It was awesome to finally have something to do!" Mikey exclaimed as he ran into the hideout.

"How is Amy?" Ruby asked him.

"She is fine, I put her in one of the rooms" Splinter took her shoulder, "You have no need to fear my child."

Inside, Donny sighed, "Looks like we'll have to stay low for a while though. Shredder definitely wants you two dead."

Ruby nodded and rubbed her forehead, "Excuse me, I need to check on Amy." She went into the room with her sister and knelt next to her. She looked at her for a while before beginning to cry softly. She grabbed Amy's hand and held it to her chest, "Please wake up.........I need you......" Her pleads were just a whisper but seemed to register. Amy stirred. Ruby gasped and held to her hand tighter. Amy's eyes opened and she looked around, a bit confused until she focused on Ruby.

"Ruby.........where am I?" She asked. Her wings were brights colors of green pink and purple and her eyes seemed brighter.

Ruby smiled, "It's okay." She helped her sit up, "We're safe here." She hugged her tightly.

Amy hugged her back, "Did I do anything horrible to you? I remember doing and saying some awful stuff, but it seemed like a dream."

Her little sister was silent for a bit, "It wasn't your fault." She whispered, "It's been two years since you went into a coma."

"Two years?! I'm 20?!" Amy said with surprise.

Ruby laughed, "Yeah......I guess so." She pulled away from their hug and dried her face, "You missed my 18th birthday." She chuckled.

She smiled a bit, "I was a bit busy at the moment." They both laughed. Suddenly the door opened and Splinter peeked in, "Excuse me Ruby, but I thought I heard two........voices." He saw Amy sitting up and he smiled, "Hello Amy, glad to see you're awake. I am Master Splinter. We have been caring for you sister."

"We?" Amy asked looking past him. She saw Donny, Leo, Raph and Mikey looking at her with smiles. "Why are you all turtles and a rat?"

Splinter smiled, "It's like what happened to you, but in the opposite way." He answered.

Ruby stood, "Do you want to eat something?"

Amy nodded and she help stand her up. They headed to the kitchen. Splinter watched them and his smile grew bigger, "Looks like she has forgiven her sister for the things she has done. Learn from Ruby my sons, she has shown great patience with her big sister for years."

The four nodded and said in unison, "Yes Master Splinter."

He looked at the four, "You have made me proud my sons. But do not let down your guard. We have to make sure no one finds this place."

The four nodded again and they smiled at each other.

In the kitchen, Amy was eating out the fridge. Ruby nibbled on a piece on pizza, "I don't think we'll be able to go outside for a while."

She shrugged, "Then we will have to make due and have fun underground for a while."

The sisters stayed there for a while enjoying each other's company and didn't leave each other until the sun went down.  

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