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Two years had passed, Ruby was 18. She had been 16 when she arrived. She had grown to be a bit taller than Splinter, but the turtles were still a head taller than her. Her hair had gotten thicker and longer, traveling down her back, reaching her thighs almost. Her stomach had become the size it was supposed to be.

Splinter had taught her all she needed to know when defending herself. She had become accustom to using a staff with spear heads attached to each side. She could never beat any of the turtles though, seeing as she only had two years to really study.

She sat down on a bench after training, wiping the sweat off her forehead with a towel. She was wearing a pair of shorts that went to her knees and a t-shirt. Her hair was up in a ponytail, her bangs hanging in her face. Donny stood in front of her, smiling slightly

"You know you have to do better than that if you want to beat any of us." He shouldered his staff. He fixed his glasses and chuckled, "but, it was better than you were doing a year ago."

Ruby smiled, "Yeah......" She looked at him, seeing how much he seemed to know her. She stared at him for a while, his yellow golden eyes and his cute smile.

"Is something wrong?" Donny asked, feeling a bit uncomfortable.

Ruby cleared her throat, "No....I was's nothing." Her face grew warm as she looked away.

Mikey strolled in, "Hey you two love birds get out here and check out what's going on in the tunnels."

Donny and Ruby both looked at each other and looked away just as quickly, their faces red.

"Will you stop that Mikey......" Donny said tensely when Ruby left, "You don't have to keep hinting her."

"What that you like her?" Mikey said with his big goofy smile.

Donny shook his head and smiled, "Just don't..." He followed Mikey out.

What they saw surprised them.

A big gaping hole was in the ground. It was about as big as a small shed. Inside, nothing could be seen, but dark shadows. Nothing seemed to move down there.

" did this happen?" Ruby asked, leaning into the hole on her hands and knees, "It's so cool."

Leo and Ralph stood on the opposite side of the hole, "I don't know, but I think it happened while we were training. Can't hear anything while we're in our minds." Leo said.

Ruby's tail swayed back and forth, " was a person, possibly......." The words disintegrated in her throat. Her eyes went into their nocturnal setting and she scanned the area. After few seconds she was about to give up when she saw a slight movement in the shadows. She hissed, and backed away from the hole.

Donny grabbed her arm, "The foot clan...." He said, "They think we'll be stupid enough to go down there. We need to leave, go to one of our other hideouts."

"Man. That stinks." Mikey sighed.

"Wait, what about Amy." Ruby grabbed Donny's arm also, "We can't move her."

"Well, we'll have to or else those people are going to ambush us." He said quietly. "She'll be fine, we just have to be careful."

The five of them went back inside and began to grab the supplies, not trying to seem like in a hurry, just in case they had eyes.

Splinter came out of Amy's room after checking on her and frowned, "What are you all doing?"

"There's a huge group of foot clan members in a huge hole waiting to ambush us. Their first plan failed, seeing as they couldn't get us to go down there ourselves." Raph said and growled, "Too bad we can't just kick their butts."

"Come on, we have to move, or else they'll just get impatient." Leo said, holding a bag.

Ruby seemed to be on the verge of fear, with her ears perked and her tail twisted around her leg, "Who's going to carry Amy?"

Mikey smiled, "Donny will."

He looked at him with confusion, "I will?"

"Yes. Yes you will." He said with a wink.

Donny nodded, "Alright." He went and picked up Amy gently, "Let's go."

The group moved out silently, trying to avoid detection. They were dispersed evenly, as not to make as much noise. Leo first, followed by Splinter, Ruby, Donny, Mikey, and Raph at the rear. The only sound was soft footsteps echoing. A shout broke the silence and running. Raph looked behind them.

"Here they come!" He said with alarm, "We have to go faster, or we have to fight."

"No time." Leo said and began to run. They ran through the sewers, with the foot clan not far. They couldn't seem to outrun them. Ruby was starting to run out of breathe, and so was Splinter.

"We can't lose them!" Ruby said, "We have no choice but to face them." She grabbed her spear staff from her back and turned to face the oncoming crowd.

Donny handed Amy to Splinter, "Go ahead, we'll be right behind you"

Splinter smiled, "I am proud of you my sons." He turned and ran off. The four turtles joined Ruby and took out their weapons.

"Thanks guys, for everything. I couldn't have gone forward if it wasn't for you all." Ruby said and sighed, "Let's all not die today."

"I agree." Mikey said, twirling his nun chucks. The five of them stood there, and listened before charging when the first ninja appeared.  

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