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Donny and Splinter walked out of Ruby's room. Amy, Mikey, Raph, and Leo were all standing in front of them.

"What was all that screaming?" Amy asked.

"Is she going to be okay?" Mikey added.

"She is going to be fine. She just needs some rest." Splinter answered. Donny was silent, not even looking at the others. Leo frowned a bit.

"Donny?" He looked up at Leo. "Are you alright?" Leo searched his brother's face. Donny shook his head.

"I'm worried.........Ruby can't take much more of this. Shredder won't stop until she's dead. I don't know how long she can take the torment." Donny walked off.

"That's tough....." Raph said as he watched his younger brother leave, "Shredder has some nerve to mess with us." He growled and beat his fist into his hand, "I would love to pound his face into the wall and kick his butt into space."

"I don't think that will be very possible with his state of being an animal." Mikey said and imitated a werewolf. Splinter cleared his throat.

"It is getting late, let us retire and we will see how she is doing in the morning." He shooed them off to their rooms. He walked out to the tunnels and found Donny sitting by the manhole.

"Master......what's going to happen?" he asked.

"That is uncertain. The only thing we can do is look forward with an air of hope for the best." Splinter placed a hand on his shoulder, "Our job is to be ready for anything. Now, come. The sun is going down, so we must follow."

The two went back inside and the sun slipped behind the horizon to come back the next day.

A few weeks later, Ruby opened her eyes slowly. A tray sat next to her mat and she frowned. A card sat on the tray. She picked it up. Donny's name was written on the card and she blushed. She opened it and it said:

"Here is a little something I made you. I thought you would like it. By the way, happy 19th birthday."

Love, Donatello

Ruby's face went a bit more red and she smiled. He hadn't forgotten her birthday, April 8th. On the tray was a small stack of pancakes and a glass of orange juice with some apple slices next to it. She gave a small laugh, "Thanks Donny." she muttered.

Outside her door, the others were discussing the plans for the day.

"We have to throw her an amazing party here!" Mikey said, "Then, at night, we could take her out through the city for a breath of fresh air. She likes it up there."

Donny nodded, "I agree, but we have to keep in mind that her back is still healing, so we can't do anything really crazy."

"We could order some pizza, maybe a cake." Leo suggested, "We don't exactly know how to throw a birthday party."

"Movies are a great time waster." Raph said, "Then we can do all the funs stuff when we go out."

"I think we should have a bit more than that," Amy said, "How about we also play a few games."

Splinter laughed, "These are all very good ideas. Let's wait until a few hours before sunset to have the party."

Amy considered it for a while before saying, "I'll bake the cake." She stood, "I'm going out, don't tell Ruby about the party, but don't make her think you forgot her birthday." She took her baggy sweater and slipped it over her wings and walked out.

Mikey elbowed Donny, "You give Ruby that breakfast?"

Donny's cheeks went red, "W-what!?"

"I saw you making it early this morning." Mikey whispered.

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