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The six of them arrived at the hideout about half an hour later. Ruby hopped off Raph's shell as Splinter came in, "You two were successful I see..." He smiled, "I am glad you are all safe." He saw Ruby's side, three giant claw marks bleeding on her left side, "What is this?" He asked her. Ruby looked at him and she said nothing. Donny took her arm gently, "Come on, let's go clean up that wound." He led her into his room to clean her up.

Splinter frowned, "She is troubled."

Amy's fists shook, "That dirty, rotten wolf broke her." She flapped her wings once, "Why does Shredder have to be so...so..." She growled.

Leo held up his hands, "Calm down Amy. Ruby just needs some help and we need to be there for her."

Mikey pouted slightly, "I've never seen someone so distant." He said quietly, "I hope she's not going to be like this permanently...I was going to finally beat her at Mario Kart..."

Raph growled, "This is no time for one of your jokes Mikey!"

Splinter held up his hand for silence, "There will be no bickering. There is a need for precautions, make sure that no one knows we are here."

Inside Donny's room, Ruby lay on his mat as he cleaned her wound. They sat there in silence for a bit.

Donny decided to say something, "You should really be more careful. You've been getting hurt a lot lately." Ruby didn't respond. He frowned, "There might be a day when we aren't here and you have to fend for yourself."

Ruby twitched and looked at him with distant eyes. She registered what he had just said and her eyes went wide. She sat up and she grabbed the front part of his shell, "Don't you say that to me!" Her grip tightened, "I can't lose anyone else."

"Well, what would you do if we all were gone. What would you do?" Donny asked, his attention on her.

"If you all died...."She let go of his shell and held her head, "If you all died, I would go insane!" She began to hyperventilate and she squeezed her eyes shut, not wanting to hear anymore. Donny suddenly grabbed her arms and he looked at her square in the face. She looked back into his yellow eyes and began to calm down slowly. Her breathing slowed and her heart rate lowered. The silence in the room hit her and she relaxed. The two sat there for a while, Ruby wanting to stay here and just be still. Donny seemed to realize this and didn't move.

Donny smiled and said softly, "Better?" Ruby nodded. She then did something unexpected, she kissed Donny on the lips gently, a quick one, but one that was full of emotion. Donny gasped in surprise and he looked at her. Ruby's face was completely red and she looked away.

Ruby, scared of what he will say, said, "I'm sorry...I-" She looked up at Donny and he had a small smile.

He leaned in and kissed her on the forehead, "You don't have to apologize. I've always liked you too." Ruby's tail curled in delight as she smiled.

Donny chuckled, "Now, let's finish cleaning that scratch of yours." Ruby laid back down and Donny got back to work.

Back in the training room, Amy watched Sheela as she chased a small bug. The little kitten chased it all around the room for a while before catching it with her paws and sniffing it. Leo sat next to her, "Are you worried?"

"Of course I am. Why would I not be." She stated as Sheela let the bug go and chasing after it once more.

"Are you afraid?" He asked, this time looked at her.

Amy didn't answer as fast. She thought about it before saying, "I'm not...afraid of Ruby getting an infection from the scratch...but" she shook her head, "Nevermind, it's dumb."

Leo shrugged, "I'm willing to bet it's not."

She looked up at the older brother of the four turtles and she sighed, "I'm afraid...of leaving Ruby alone...again." She hugged herself a bit, "A long time ago, when I was only 15, I became a member of the foot clan. I had joined willingly because...because I was tired of my life. I needed something different. It felt good, I admit, to be able to move freely in the night. I kept this from my parents and Ruby of course, hoping that they wouldn't find out, but they did and I was forbidden to ever return to the clan. I didn't listen and...ran away. I was gone for three years. I kept an eye on them for a while and found out that Ruby was being bullied because....her sister was a member of the foot clan. She couldn't make any good friends because they were afraid she would be the same and she would always get home with a bruise or something. I was stupid and didn't care. When Shredder injected me with the ooze, I relished at the thought of being able to fly. What I didn't know was that he had put some sort of chemical in there that dulled my senses and made me easier to control. I was fully conscious and I could see everything I did, but I just couldn't do anything to stop it. Including that time that I broke into my own house...and killed my parents...My troops took Ruby, and I watched as she struggled to get out. I witnessed the terrible acts I did to Ruby and I just hate it." She fell silent.

Leo looked at the ground, "That's harsh...but that wasn't you. That was Shredder. It's like you said, you couldn't do anything."

Amy looked at him, "Do you really believe that?"

Leo nodded, "That couldn't have been you. You're the bravest, most protective sister that I've seen. Trust me, you have nothing to worry about."

Amy let that sink in and smiled, "Thanks leo." Sheela meowed at her softly and she pet the little kitten, "That really helped."

Leo shrugged, "Don't mention it. Everyone has something."

Mikey poked his head in, "You mean like your fear of losing your swords?"

Leo stood, "Hey! Quit it! You have the fear of losing your nunchucks little bro!"

Raph sighed, "You guys are all wimps. You have to get over it."

Leo and Mikey looked at Raph, but they soon heard laughing. Amy was laying on the ground, holding her stomach, "You guys are so hilarious!" They looked at each other and then began to laugh themselves.  

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