The Wait

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Ruby woke in the middle of the night, slightly trembling. The cold bit her exposed arms and she crawled under her blanket. The warmth of her body trapped under the fabric warmed her. She smiled, satisfied, and she tried to sleep again, but couldn't. She poked her head out and frowned. She got out of her warm cocoon and put on some pants and a sweater with mittens she had found in the streets. She walked out of her room and heard the drips of rain echoing through the tunnels of the sewers. Overhead, in the training room, an exposed sewer grid shone moonlight, lighting the room like a blue flame. Ruby breathed, seeing her breath float through the air and disappear.

"Is it not beautiful?" Splinter said, coming out of his own room. His eyes shone with the light of age and experience. "It has been so long since the moon has shone so bright. Maybe this is a sign."

Ruby cocked her head, "A sign of what?" her tail twitched.

"A sign of good fortune." Splinter smiled at her, "Perhaps a sign of great sadness in the future, it is always very unclear." He sighed, his breath seeming to swirl and fly up and out of the sewers. "Child, I have a question. The boys and I have been talking while you have rested and we would be happy to have you stay here with us."

Ruby's eyes widened and she felt chills down her spine, "What do you mean?" She had to be sure that she thought what he meant.

"I mean that you can become part of our family, here. You'll be safe and you can train with the boys, learn to defend yourself." Splinter placed a hand on her shoulder with a kind of fatherly love look on his face.

She was speechless. She didn't know what to say or what to feel either. After about ten seconds of silence, she gave a small happy laugh, tears in her eyes. "Oh thank you......." She hugged Splinter. Splinter was a few inches taller than her, but not much, so it was easy.

Splinter hugged her gently back, "You don't have to thank me." Ruby cried softly with relief. She didn't have to run anymore. She didn't have to look for food, sometimes not getting any for two days. She didn't have to beg for money and getting ignored. She could finally have a family that cared for her, for so long she has felt alone and now she has people who care.

Her tears ceased, her eyes not having anything to shed anymore. She pulled away from the hug and smiled, "You have no idea how grateful I am." She wiped her face dry, not being able to stop grinning. She finally had a place she could call home.

Before Splinter could say anything, a shadow darted over the sewer grid, temporarily turning the room dark. The pair looked up at the grid and waited. The shadow returned, closer to the ground. After a minute or two, it landed on the grid, looking down.

Amy looked down at the two and smiled, "Master Shredder will be pleased I got rid of you myself." She threw the grid off and darted inside, grabbing Ruby by the arms. She was lifted out of the sewers. Ruby struggled and tried to get out of her grip, but she just couldn't. It probably didn't help that it was super cold.

Splinter woke the boys up using a gong they had. The four were instantly out of their rooms, looking alert.

"What's the problem?" Leo asked, seeing no immediate danger.

Splinter pointed up toward the open sewer grid, "Ruby has been taken by Amy. She is planning to end her life." The turtles have never seen him this stressed before. His teeth were clenched and his eyes were wide.

"We're on it." Donny said without hesitation.

They grabbed their weapons and dashed up out of the hole. Amy and Ruby were heading toward the largest building in the city. They could hear the protests of the girl flying without wings and headed after them. They climbed onto the tops of the building in a few seconds, the cold whipping at their faces. Amy landed, dropping Ruby roughly onto the roof.

"What are you waiting for, just drop me off the side now." Ruby said, standing quickly, facing her sister.

"That wouldn't be much fun now would it. Master Shredder said to make it a painful death for the troubles you have given us." Amy said, her voice betraying her stone face, showing Ruby that she was not happy at all.

"But I haven't-" She was once again cut off with a kick to the side of the face, sending her to the concrete floor.

"You have done plenty!" Amy showed no compassion and gave her a kick to the ribs, "The clan has spent plenty of days and nights searching for you. Shredder does not want anyone other than us to know of our plans."

Ruby caught her ankle when she was about to kick her again, "But what if he doesn't need you anymore. You'll share the same fate as the others who died." She pulled up her sleeve, the bright scar that she has on her shoulder seeming to glow softly, "You will share the scar of the dead." Her face was calm and defiant, as if she was daring Amy to disagree.

Amy looked silently, eyes wide with slight fear. That's when the turtles jumped onto the roof and faced her with their weapons drawn.

"Step away from her." Leo growled. The four of them had the faces of protectors. They all looked at Ruby with brotherly love.

Amy looked at them and spread her wings, "You can't save her."

Ruby stood, "But can you save yourself." She said with no emotion. She seemed to be in a trance, her eyes slightly clouded.

It was too much for Amy and she shook her head, "You lie........." She collapsed.

Ruby's eyes cleared and her legs caved. She sat on the roof, breathing heavily. She looked around and spotted Amy. "Did I just go into this sort of trance.........."

Donny nodded, "It was a bit weird."

"Just a side effect of the ooze. It just sort of leaks into my brain sometimes." She shuddered.

He frowned slightly, "Anyway, what should we do with Amy?"

She looked at her and smiled a bit, "Let's take her home. Please, she's my sister."

Donny looked down at the collapsed girl and sighed, "Alright." The others started to protest, but he cut them off, "Guys, it's her only real relative. She needs her help."

They brought Amy back to the sewers. Raphe put the grid back over the hole. Amy was placed on the couch. Ruby sat on the floor next to her.

"Is she going to be okay?" Ruby asked as Donny did a vitals check.

"She will, but she will be in a coma for at least a year or two. She will need to breathe in herbs to help clear her system." Now that they were in the light, they could all see that her wings were as black as nights with hints of pink, purple, and green, showing what they used to looks like.

They cleared one of the spare rooms and put some slightly smoking pots with herbs in them in the corners of the room, but not enough to choke anyone. Amy lay on a mat with a light blanket on.

Ruby stood outside the open door. She looked at Amy with a worried look.

Donny put a hand on her shoulder, "She's going to be fine, don't worry."

She nodded, "I'll be waiting for her." She closed the door and walked off, hoping that Amy will wake up sooner than she thought.  

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