Surprise in the Sewers

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Ruby sat up with a small gasp, covered in cold sweat. She breathed heavily and she was shaking. The dream she had just had was still vivid in her head. She had dreamt of being back in the stadium, but this time, it was dead silent. Shredder was standing there, but he was 30 feet tall and seemed more like a wild animal than a man then. Saliva had been dripping from his gaping mouth as he let out a huge howl. The look of malice in shredder's eyes as he prepared to strike her. She had woken before he could hit her, but she could still feel those yellow eyes staring at her and the claws tearing through her flesh. Her hand drifted to her shoulder, the big claw mark seeming to taunt her. Reminding her of that place and how many people have died there in that stadium. She slowed her breathing and calmed her mind. She left her small, cozy room and went to the kitchen to find some food, the sound of her stomach seeming to echo in through the hideout. The moment she had disappeared from the training room, doors began to open.

Mikey was up and smiling. "Alright, who's ready for some training." He said to himself, "but, first stop, breakfast."

Donny also came out of his room, "You know you're talking to yourself....right?"

"Whatever." Mikey shrugged, "Let's just eat something. Maybe there's some leftover pizza." He went strolling off to the kitchen.

Ruby pulled out two boxes from the fridge and tossed them onto the table. She looked for some of the fruit and sat down with the food. "Cold pizza.....better than nothing." She said with a smile.

"Is there enough for two more?" Mikey asked with his usual goofy smile.

"Of course there is." Her ears were a bit laid back and her tail just couldn't stand still. She couldn't get that dream out of her head.

"Uh.........Are you okay?" Donny asked, noticing her tail, "you seem.....tense."

She just smiled, "I'm fine, just fine. Don't worry about me." She said quickly. Raphe suddenly came in and she jumped a bit, hiding under the table.

Raphe frowned, "What's her problem?"

Mikey looked under the table, "Are you sure?"

Ruby sighed, "I guess not........I just had a nightmare, that's all." She looked at him with wide eyes, "I've been having the same one ever since I it's not a big deal. I just get really jumpy in the mornings." She slowly got back in her chair again, "I should probably tell you the rest of my story now shouldn't I?"

"Wait until Leo and Splinter come in. They might want to hear it too." Mikey sat down and grabbed a piece. After a few minutes, Leo and Splinter came in.

"Good morning." Splinter said, "I trust you all had a good night's rest." Nods and agreements were the answer. He smiled, "Ruby, would it be a bad time to finish the time of your escape."

She shook her head, "not at all. Last night....we left off at the stadium. The crowd by now was roaring for my blood to be spilled. I was by now very tense. Shredder gave me a sort of smile and said, "let the battle begin!" and he charged me. I dodged and began to look for anything that might help me, or a way out. Shredder kept on attacking me, giving me the scars you can see. He seemed focused on ripping my stomach open. I was pretty soon worn out and was desperate. I tried to climb out of the stadium, but the people in the stands just pushed me back in. Finally, I collapsed in exhaustion. Shredder gave me this mark as a symbol of his victory." She pointed at her shoulder, "I laid there for a while, hearing the crowd faintly, still looking for a way out. I was about to lose all hope until I saw small hole just big enough for me to slip through. I dashed for it with the last of my strength and managed to get out. I could hear shredder yelling in frustration as I ran, not caring where I was headed. Ever since then, I have been hiding in these sewers. I've been down here for about two months." She sighed, "I couldn't find any food and I didn't have any money, so I basically starved to death." She touched her still sunken stomach and looked at the others.

They were silent. No emotion showed on their faces, or at least not that Ruby could tell.

"Wow.....You must be pretty tough." Mikey said with a small smile.

She laughed, "It was mostly just luck and....." She stopped. Her pupils turned to slits and she stared out at the door. Her ears almost hidden in her mattered hair, her tail twitching madly, she stood, knocking her chair down.

"What's wrong?" Donny looked at the door and then back at Ruby. She said nothing. Then, she knocked Raph off his chair just before a dagger hit where his head should've been.

"What......" Raphe stared at the dagger then looked at ruby with anger, "What was that for?"

"I just saved your life..." She answered with a slight hiss, "Now keep it down." She crouched and moved closer to the door, "They'll be coming in soon. That dagger was just a warning."

"Who?" Leo asked, glancing at the weapons in the wall.

"The foot clan." She said simply and shuddered at the name. As if on cue, five ninjas came in silently. One clearly had the authority, seeing as she was in the front, "Search for her. I know she's here. Shredder said to kill on sight."

Ruby gasped and quickly dashed into the far corner, "They came for me.......I thought they would."

Raphe shook his head, "Well, I guess I owe you now." He said with a smirk, "I need a bit of practice anyway." He cracked his knuckles.

The others nodded at each other. Mikey smiled, "Man, I am so ready." The four ran out and instantly the ninjas fell upon them in battle. The turtles were good at defending, even without their weapons, but the ninjas were fast, as if with animal instincts and the turtles were beaten against the wall.

The ninja in charge walked up to them and pulled down her mask, her face revealed. She had deep red hair with tan skin and eyes of blue, brown, and pink. She had her hair in a rat tail style and wore all black with a red scarf. "Where is Ruby?"

They all were silent. She sighed, "Torture is in due to force it out." A taser was brought out and set on the highest setting, "One shock ought to do it." It buzzed and she raised her arm to bring it down on the turtles, but something interrupted her.

Ruby stood out in the open, "Don't hurt them. You wanted to kill me, so don't waste it on them."

She turned the taser off, "There you are.....dear little sister."

"Hello....Amy. Been awhile hasn't it." She said calmly.  

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