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The turtles woke slowly, confused. They were in a glass cage in a room filled with equipment of some sort. It was light and the walls were white. People walked around, all wearing lab coats, looking at the equipment. Mikey was the first to speak, "What's going on...where are we?"

Raph shook his head to clear it, "My head...I've got a huge headache."

Donny looked around, "I believe we're in a lab of some kind."

"Right you are, turtle." The four turned and saw Shredder, his armor glinting in the light, "You've had the privilege of being test subjects. My scientists have been developing some new tech."

Leo frowned, "What kind of tech?"

"Try weaponry." Shredder said and laughed, walking out. "Let the testing begin!" He said before the door shut.

Mikey placed his hands on the glass, "I can't be in a cage for the rest of my life!"

Raph growled and ran his shoulder into the wall, but he just bounced off, "I'm not planning to."

Donny looked closely at the walls, "I don't think you'll be able to smash these, this is no ordinary glass. This must be reinforced." He knocked on it and nodded, "Yeah, you can't break this without a wrecking ball."

Leo sighed, " what, we just sit here and wait."

Donny nodded, "Do you really think Ruby would leave us?"

Mikey smiled, "He's got a point."

Raph frowned, "I hate waiting." He leaned his shell against the glass.

Meanwhile, Ruby and Amy hid outside the hideout, watching. There was no movement at all except for a leaf blowing in the slight breeze. Ruby nodded and the pair dashed forward and into the crumbling building. Amy lead the way to a pair of stair, their footsteps silent. They made their way down and came to another flight of stairs and a hallway. They ignored it and went deeper down. There seemed to be no one around. They got to another floor, this one, with bright lights and walls refurbished. Amy stopped, "This is the right floor, the one below this is where they burn things."

Ruby swallowed, understanding exactly what they burned and followed her older sister down a hall. "The lab should be..." Amy looked inside one of the doors and smiled, "Here, I see them across the room." Suddenly, a roar of applause could be heard, muffled, from above.

"Shredder must be giving them some entertainment. That must be why no one's here." Ruby looked into the room. "come on, let's take them out." She took out her staff from her hilt.

Amy nodded, "Just don't get hit by any of that equipment, they're prototypes and we don't know what they'll do."

Ruby sighed, "I know. I was a pretty good eavesdropper when I got these ears." they twitched and she opened the door. The two burst in, taking out all the scientists before they could even react properly.

Mikey smiled, "Wow. That was fast."

Amy pressed a button and the cage lifted. Before anyone could say anything, Ruby wrapped her arms around Donny, "Are you guys okay?" She looked at them with a scared look, "I got scared and worried..."

Leo laughed, "Hold on mother, slow down. We're fine."

Ruby gave them a small smile, "Quit it, you were here for at least seven hours." Amy chuckled.

The reunion was soon cut short when Gavin and Kieth entered, "Looks like they're out." Kieth growled, "Hey, your friend is here."

Gavin smirked, "Ruby, I didn't expect you to be here,"

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