The Final Straw

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"WHERE'S RUBY?!!!!!" Donny exclaimed as he came barging back into the hideout. He had woken up to find her gone. He had assumed that she had left to go on a walk or something, but he had searched everywhere and she was no where to be found.

Amy was out of her room in seconds, "What's wrong. What happened?"

Donny was frantic, "I can't find Ruby. I've looked everywhere, but I can't find her. Something happened, I know it. She wouldn't just leave without an explanation."

Raph sighed and just shook his head, "She's been playing with us all this time. Can't you see, she's been working with Shredder this whole time!"

Donny gave him such an angry glare that Raph swallowed. He yelled, "She would never work for him! She said herself that she wouldn't! What is wrong with you! She is in serious trouble! In fact, I remember her saving your butt a few times! Why are you against her!" He looked like he was going to kill Raph.

He growled, "Ruby is nothing but a sly lier! She and Shredder planned all of this since the beginning to trick us all!"

Splinter's door slammed open and he walked in, "Rapheal! Stop this nonsense!"

Raph went silent and he looked at the rat with a slightly angry look. Splinter walked closer and frowned at the turtle, "Ruby has done nothing to earn your suspicions! The girl you are talking about has a pure heart and innocence that will never fade!" He pointed at the door, "I want all of you to go and get her back! Now!" Mikey and Leo came in, hearing the whole thing from their rooms.

Donny wasted no time and grabbed his spare weapon, "Let's hurry. I think we know exactly where she is..."

Amy looked at him and swallowed, "He can be so scary sometimes..."

Mikey nodded, "The only time i've seen him like this was when Splinter and Leo were kidnapped."

Leo walked off toward Donny, "He seriously scared me when he came to the rescue. Let's hope he doesn't get himself hurt..."

Raph snorted and Splinter sighed, "Son, please don't let your feelings cloud your logic."

He shook his head, "Fine...Fine...I guess I did get a bit carried away."

Splinter smiled a bit and nodded, "Be careful."

Raph nodded and ran after the other, who had already headed off toward the familiar hideout of Shredder.

Amy had trouble holding Donny back as they were hiding out front. The rubble from their previous battle with the twins was still there and they were hiding out in the mess. Donny once again tried to go, but Amy held his arm, "Donny, stop it and think logically. There is probably an army of foot clan soldier waiting for us!"

"But waiting out here means another minute of torture for Ruby..." Donny said, his voice low. His eyes were narrow and dark with murderous intent and anger.

"Listen, I don't think running into a trap would help Ruby. I also think that she would be really scared of you if she saw you now..." Amy said.

Donny stopped and looked at her. His angry expression melted and he sighed, "You're right. I've got to think..."

Leo, Mikey, and Raph were all squatting behind them. "So, what's the plan?" Leo asked quietly.

"Let's go in silently and try to locate Ruby." Amy said, "That's the best course of action we can take at this moment. We have to stay out of sight and not draw any attention to ourselves once inside."

The others nodded and they began their descent. They found different entrances into the hideout. They kept to the shadows, going from room to room, level to level, looking for Ruby.

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