Chapter 8

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After exiting the car, the police escort us to the building. We walk into see multiple offices with people either screaming, crying, or not doing anything at all.

"My name is Officer Joseph, by the way," the cop speaks. We wonder through the fairly loud building until reaching the interrogation room.

At the end of the long hallway, we reach a beaten up, worn out door. Compared to the rest of the building, it just looks old and out of place. Actually, the whole just seemed out of the ordinary. I don't know, it just seems weird. There's no doorknob (it looks like there was one, but it broke off), so Officer Joseph knocks with force.

The door is opened by a woman who seems to be an investigator. "Grayson first," she says blankly before turning around and walking to a table. Grayson gave me one last hug before disappearing into the dimly lit room.

Grayson's POV

"How did you meet Skylar?" She asked with no emotion. Her was short and straight, and her face has slight wrinkles across her forehead. She keeps an unhappy look on her face and she just seems so down.

"I met her when I was walking home from my ex-girlfriend's house," I begin. It's going to be really awkward if she makes me continue the story on how we met.

"What was she doing?"

"Sitting on the street. She wasn't really doing much I guess."

"She was homeless. And you let her live with you, correct."

"Correct," I respond cheerfully. Answering questions is actually kind of fun.

"How did you first meet Mr. James, Grayson?"

"Skylar and I were on a date at a drive-in movie, and he showed up at car. He pretty much made her get out, and said he was taking her. And I told him he wasn't, and he punched me. I don't know what happened after that. I just ended up at Cameron's house and Skylar came and we just tried sleeping. But then he broke into Cam's house, and you know the police came." Never mind, this isn't fun at all. It's just weird and nerve racking.

"He punched you multiple times, and that would explain the bruises, right?"

"You're right," I answer looking down at the filthy table.

"Okay, send in Skylar. You may leave, but you're not done."

I nod my head and walk out the room. I don't know exactly what she means by "you're not done." I find Skylar sitting on a nearby chair. I give her a smile, and she returns one.

Skylar's POV

"Wish me luck," I say playfully, trying to hide my nerves. I'm probably going to mess up and say something stupid.

"Good luck beautiful," Grayson says, making me blush. I don't really think I'm pretty, and hearing him say I am just feels... different, I guess.

I enter the room and awkwardly take a seat across from the lady. I give her a smile, but her face stays the same.

"Okay tell me everything you know about Mr. James," she speaks with her eyes planted on her papers.

"Not that much. He said he's been watching me my whole life, but I never knew. I remember a long time ago, when I was about 8, he came to a birthday party I had at my old house. He bought me a pink princess dress and wand to go with it. But I don't really remember anything else about that day, relating to him at least," I had forgotten all about that birthday part until just now. He didn't even stay long, he just dropped off the ripped dress and left. That's the only time I actually remember seeing him. It was so short and I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who really saw him. He's such a shady figure and low profile. "The second time I saw him was when he kidnapped me in his vehicle and drove me to his house. It was really late so I don't know what it looked like, but it felt really close in. And he had a basement which I didn't get to see, but I saw his bathroom. It had an oldish vibe to it, and was also very closed in. And I escaped through the window, fortunately, and found Camer-"

"Why do I keep hearing about a Cameron? Who is he?" She interrupts losing her patience.

"He's my friend and Grayson's friend."

"Are you and Cameron just friends? Like what's the status? Does he like you?" She questions throughly. I feel heart beat faster and harder. My forehand experiences a sudden wave of heat, and sweat threatens to fall.

"Uh.. No. I mean, yeah kind of. No, um I... We're just friends I think. I mean, I know we're just friends. Yeah..." I stutter. Ugh, I sound so stupid. She probably thinks I'm a total moron.

"Okay... Does he like you?" I hate her questions. What does Cameron have to do with my dad?

"A little..."

"Have you two kissed?"

"I'm sorry, but how's this relevant?" I ask, dodging her original question.

"It's relevant because I need to know every single last detail. Cameron seems to be very involved in this situation, and I think you like him."

"I don't!" I respond a little louder. She can't accuse me of liking him, she doesn't even know Cameron.

"That's what they all say," she laughs. I never thought she would laugh, her face seemed so motionless before. "Anyway, you said you escaped and found Cameron. What happened? What was the first thing you said?"

"I don't remember. It was late," I tell her, calming down a bit.

"Skylar Olivia James, you know what happened. Now spill it. You two kissed, am I right?"

"It didn't happen that way. I didn't mean to kiss him! I thought he was Grayson." Guilt pours into my soul. I'm terrible for not only kissing Cameron, but lying about it as well.

"Now we're getting somewhere. So you're dating Grayson, but you kissed Cameron. And what happened with Mr. James since then?" she asked perkily. I guess me revealing my baggage brought her joy.

"Cameron drove me to his house. Grayson and his brother Ethan were there. We all went to sleep, and around 4 AM, Cam and I both woke up to the sound of my dad. He and Cameron got into a physical fight, then Grayson woke up. My dad also ended up physically hurting Grayson. The police came and they took us to the emergency room."

"Tell me about you and Ethan." So I just told her all that, and all she cares about Ethan? This is so pointless.

"We're just friends," I answer.

"You said the same thing about Cameron. Be more specific with your answers."

"Honestly, I liked him a little at first, but we never like dated or anything. And I went a diner one time with Grayson, this was before he and I started actually dating though, and Ethan was really upset because he thought that he and I were a thing. But we both apologized even though the whole situation looked different from what it really was. It's confusing, I know."

"Okay, thank Skylar. You've been a big help."

Sorry the beginning is kind of boring, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

It's Complicated... (Sequel to HELP; Cameron Dallas and Dolan twins fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin