Heatherstar's POV
I sat outside my den enjoying the sunlight while every cat was sharing tongues. I smelled RiverClan and I could tell that every cat could too. I turned to the entrance and saw two RiverClan cats carrying a body. Of which cat I could not tell. Dawnstripe was trailing behind eyes dull, reflecting horror. "Dawnstripe! Why have you brought these RiverClan cats here?" "They helped me bring back Tallpaw." I jumped down and watched as the RiverClan cats crouched and Dawnstripe slowly slid Tallpaw down from their backs. "Thank you for helping us get our apprentice back in camp safely. I will send an escort with you back to your territory." I turned away and picked some cats as an escort. I padded up to Dawnstripe. "Let's hope we don't lose Tallpaw, Dawnstripe. His mother wouldn't be able to handle it." "I know. I wouldn't be able to either. I love my apprentice." Dawnstripe answered. Later on I called for a meeting and was glad to see Tallpaw being guided by Woollytail and Palebird. I talked to Shrewpaw about what should happen to Tallpaw. He didn't want a punishment for Tallpaw. I was fine with that but I heard a cat yowl. I looked around and Tallpaw was starting to shake violently. I remembered what Dawnstripe said and told every cat to go to their nests and try to sleep. I ordered Dawnstripe and Woollytail to make a nest for Tallpaw, who had blacked out on the ground, so that he could be comfortable. Shrewpaw had found a ball of heather and was padding up to Tallpaw. I watched him with narrowed eyes as he stood over Tallpaw with the ball of heather at his paws. Palebird watched with unspoken horror of what he might do next. Shrewpaw lifted a paw and put it under Tallpaw's head. He lifted up and as he did that, Palebird let out an unheard gasp. Shrewpaw then took the ball of heather and carefully placed it under Tallpaw's head. He gently moved Tallpaw's head beck down and stepped back. Palebird thanked him and curled around Tallpaw. I thanked Shrewpaw then padded to my den and sat outside. I watched as Dawnstripe and Woollytail made a nest around him.
Tallstar's revenge: Chapter 22: a rewrite from my head
FantasyThis is about what I thought could have happened in Chapter 22 in Tallstar's revenge.