Chapter Two

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Phil's POV

As we walked along the cold streets of London on our way back to our apartement, it was starting to get dark. All I wanted to do was to just snuggle into Dans arms to keep warm. Then I decided that wouldn't be a good idea because, well, Dan's straight, so all that'll never happen. It was soon starting to get dark, surprisingly, as it was only about 6 pm.

When we got back to our apartement, I flumped myself down on our sofa and kicked my shes off, revealing my odd socks. I the realised I still had my jacket on and that Dan had decided to switch the heating on, so I took it off as I didn't want to overheat and die. I wouldn't want that. I hung up my jacket on the coat hanger and shuffled over to my room opposite Dans, and closed my door behind me, something Dan never does. I walked over to my bed and laid myself on it. I stared up at the plain white ceiling, just thinking about Dan. How his brown hair goes curly when its wet, how his chesnut brown eyes sparkle when he laughs, and his laugh is the most contagious thing on earth, its just amazing. I just don't see how he hates himself.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my door open. I turned my head to see Dan walking into my room.

"Hey Dan." I greeted casually.

"Hey Phil." Ohmygod the way he says my name!

"I thought you'd be going to sleep so, erm, night Phil, I'm going bed now, so... Shhh..." As he said that, he slowly edged out of my room and closed the door. Thank you! I sighed with relieve at the fact he finally got the message!!

I climbed under my bed covers although I couldn't sleep. I just couldn't get the thought of Dan out of my head. I heard the apartment turn silent for a moment, then soft snores coming from Dan's bedroom. I smirked as I wondered what he'd be dreaming about, then drifted off to sleep.

**Three hours later**

I was woken up by quiet sobs from the room opposite. Then they gradually got louder, then he started screaming and yelling stuff like "Don't hurt me!" and "Please! You're not like this Phil!"



He was dreaming about me. Why though? As he's my best friend, out of instincts I automatically leaped out of bed, flung my door open and stepped over to the door to Dan's room. I carefully opened the door, causing it to creak slightly. Dan jerked up at the sudden noise, tears streaming down his face and hyperventilating.

"Can-Can I come in?" I stammered, breaking myself seeing him like this. He nodded quickly, so I edged forwards. I could see Dan edging further away from me in his bed, clutching the bed covers, drenched in sweat.

"D-Don't hurt m-me." He whimpered, barely audible. I sat down on his bed next to him and held his hand, gently pulling it down from the bed cover and into my hands.

"I'd never hurt you." I said softly, giving him a warming smile. He returned the smile, but with tears still falling down his red puffy cheeks. I squeezed his hand in mine reassuringly, still smiling, softly though, anything else and it'd be freaky.

"Will you be ok now? I mean it is getting late.." I trailed off, noticing the slight change in expression on Dan's face. I stood up, but Dan tugged me back down, frowning.

"Dan, its getting late, I need my sleep just as much as I need food." He was still frowning, even at my slight mood change.

"Stay, please." He pleaded, still clutching on my hand.

"Where would I sleep?" He looked to the rather large empty space next to him on his bed and lifted the covers up.

"Here." Was all he said, grinning, causing me to smile back. I didn't even know I was smiling like this, it just sort of.. Happened, like a reflex action. I walked round and sat on the edge of the bed, and flung my legs round so my whole body was on the bed. I tucked my legs under the covers and pulled them over my body.

"Night Dan." I said, and kissed his forehead lightly without realising what the hell I just done.

"Night Phil." He said, smiling. With that we both drifted off to sleep, with both of us knowing that Dan would probably be ok now I was with him, promising never to hurt him..

A/N - Ohmygod.. YAY!! :D The chapter is finished :) Hope you enjoyed reading it! Ok, I'm terrible at writing authors notes, so don't expect it to be amazing :P

Comment what you thought as criticism is always welcome, vote if you liked it and follow me to be told when I update! :D

Love youuu's

-A xxx  

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