Chapter Seventeen

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A/N - huehuehue *molester moon face*

Enjoy! ^_^


Dan's POV

"Daniel James Howell, will you marry me?" I just sat there in shock, not knowing what I should be doing right now. At this point, at least 90% of the restaurant were staring at us, with that look on their faces almost telling me to say yes. Should I though, say yes? I don't know... I mean I'd love to and all, but it's all too soon. My brain is telling me know, but my heart is saying yes. I know people say go with what your heart tells you, but from what's happened in my past, that's not always true. 

I thought about it for a second. Either word will change my life.

No - I might lose Phil.

Yes - I'd be with him for the rest of my life and we'd be happy and we might adopt a kid and become a happy family and it'd all be cute and all that cliché shit.

I made sure I was calm before I said anything in case it came out shaky.

"Yes.." I said, quietly. Everyone cheered as Phil slid the simply designed-yet-still-beautiful ring on my finger with a massive grin on my face. He grabbed my waist, pulling me up and kissing me on the lips. I instantly kissed back, feeling the smile on his soft lips which I've loved so much.

I'm engaged. Like, engaged... E N G A G E D .

I just... wow.

To Phil Lester.

THE Phil Lester.

Oh God.


Much wow. Such happy. Many joy.

Whats going on wait what.

"I love you, Phil," I said into the kiss.

"I love you too, Dan," He replied.

We pulled apart, looking into each others eyes.

 This was it, the start of our new future together...


A/N - idk, is this all too rushed? or what... idk...

i think i'm ending the story here, if you want i'll put up a sequel and shit so yeah :) comment below what you want and i'll try and fit it in ^_^

love you<3


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