Chapter Ten

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Phil's POV

A few days later, I was allowed out. All I had with me was Dan, my phone and some anti-depressants the doctors said I should take for the next month. We said goodbye to the tired looking receptionist, and stepped outside to the bitter morning wind, and signalled for a taxi.

We got in, and told the driver the address. The entire journey was silent, the awkward kind of silent, but was broken five minutes in with Dan going, "why?". I instantly felt guilty at what I had done the previous day as the memory of the moment came flooding back over me. I didn't respond, however, I just stared down at my hands. I didn't look back up, not even when I could feel Dan's chocolate brown eyes boring into the side of my forehead. Eventually I gave in when he rested his small head on my shoulder, and let out a small sob.

"You guys okay back there?" the taxi driver asked concerned.

"Um, yeah, we're fine, thank you for asking though." I replied politely.

"No problem, we're nearly there anyway, not long now." thank God we're nearly there, to be completely honest I just really want to kiss Dan and just reassure him that all is going to be okay now... you know I always believed 'Phan' would happen someday, even when I appeared to deny it to all my friends.

-that night-

As I was making my way to my bedroom, I heard Dan sneak up behind me and placed his hands softly on my hips.

"You're not sleeping with me tonight?" he purred in my ear. You just simply can't refuse him when he does that...

"But what about last time?" I asked, not wanting a repeat of... That night.

"That was the past babe, the past isn't important anymore." he replied irresistibly. I just had to give in, I was pretty sure he wasn't going to go away without me.

"Okay." I said as I turned myself round to meet his deep brown eyes.

"I never, ever, ever want to lose you now." he said as we nuzzled our noses together, I new he was a hopeless romantic behind that anti-social shell of his. He always was the 'ladies man' but not anymore.

He's mine.

I gently leant in and crashed our lips together as we both made our way to Dan's bedroom, tangled in each others arms. He closed the door behind us as we made our way to his bed. By the state it's in, he clearly hardly slept last night, if not hardly at all.

"I love you." I whispered against his lips as he pushed me down on the crumpled bed sheets. Our lips were moving in sync, but of course, we are humans, and it is a necessity for us to breathe, so I hesitantly pulled away, panting slightly as I laid back down on the bed.

The smirk on Dan's face which I loved dearly was right there, staring right down at me as he whispered in my ear, "I love you too." He then crashed his lips back onto mine. I could tell this was going to be a good night.


A/N - heya, sorry if I haven't updated in like forever, schools back... yeah, that big thing also known as hell.

Sherlocks gone again :( I hope we won't be on hiatus again for another two years, tumblr would probably go insane again... ugh.

Sorry this is short I wanted to give you another update before you started hating me for being an arsehole for not updating... haha.

As you can see my writing skills have probably improved in this... I'm not sure, have they? haha well I've been reading a lot more so that's probably why ^v^

See you soon!!

Love youuussssss<3333


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