Chapter Seven

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Dan's POV

As I came out of Starbucks into the warm early-afternoon sun, I got that awful gut feeling in the pit of stomach that I get when somethings not right. I just shrugged it off as just because I was away from Phil and I was just worrying about him. I carried on my way to the bus stop, hesitating on whether I should be doing this or not. I got that gut feeling again again, but took it as a warning that what I was doing was wrong, and turned back towards our flat.

Ten minutes later and I was standing outside the door to our apartment, taking in deep breathes and calming myself down before searching in my front pocket for my keys. I eventually found them and pulled them out, fumbling around for the correct one. I don’t know why I have so much; I guess I just like keys. I held the right one between my thumb and forefinger, and placed it in the keyhole, turning it anti-clockwise to unlock the door. It made a clicking sound, and with a deep breath, I opened the door. As I stood inside our apartment I was instantly hit by the familiar scent of pancakes, cologne, and Phil.


With that thought in mind, I instantly pulled the key out the door and slammed it shut. I ran straight over to Phil’s bedroom and knocked heavily on his door. I could just about hear a small whimper coming from inside, sending me into a panic.

“Phil?! Phil! Are you okay? Hold on I’m coming in!” I shouted through the door. I turned the door knob and flung the door open to a strong metallic smell. The room was dark but I could just make out the main objects; the bed, the wardrobe, the drawers, and Phil. He was sitting in the corner with his knees tucked up under his chin with both arms hanging down the side. As I moved closer, something glinted in his hand, making me gasp.

I switched on the light to see Phil in the far corner of his room, breathing heavily with his face paler than ever with blood pouring down both his arms and onto the carpet beneath him, leaving him sitting in a pool of his own blood, and a blood stained blade in his hand, glinting as it catches the light above us.

As I edged closer, his breathing became more uneven, but as soon as I got up close to him, his breaths were short and raspy, leading to his eyes rolling out of consciousness.

“Phil?! Phil! PHIL!!” I yelled, shaking him gently, starting to panic. He was barely breathing and his eyes were clasped shut. Out of instinct, I pulled out my phone and dialled 999.

“Emergency service how can I he-“

“I need an ambulance quickly please... My boyfriends passed out and he’s not waking up please I’m really scared I think... no, I know its blood loss, just please come quick!” I practically screamed into my phone. I gave them our address, and shoved my phone back into my pocket.

“Don’t worry Phil, you’ll be awake and back to normal in no time.” I kissed the top of his head just as there was a knock on the front door. I ran over and flew the door open to reveal two doctors outside, with both really concerned faces.

“This way.” I breathed, breathless from my sudden outburst.

I led them to Phil’s room, and let them take him out to the awaiting ambulance outside.

The journey to the hospital was short but silent. Throughout the whole way I didn’t let go of Phil’s hand, even when they had to take the stretcher out into the hospital...

A/N – Sorry its short, I didn’t want to write any more before I started crying hysterically. Yeah, I know you’ll probably all hate me now but I’m sorry!


The Wanted’s new album, Word Of Mouth, was out today, and I’m listening to it now and it’s just perfect :’) I’m sorry for adding this but I’ve been waiting two years for this TWO. FREAKING. YEARS. FOR THIS ALBUM I AM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW, BUT ALSO BECAUSE THEYVE POST-PONED IT ABOUT FIVE FUCKING TIMES. JUST LET ME BREATHE.

I’m done now :) Kay now for the normal stuff, like voting if you enjoyed it, constructive criticism is always welcome as I love hearing advice on how I can do better or what’s perfect enough as it is :D but also if you want you can follow me I mean it only takes about 30 seconds to go to my profile thingy and click follow... but that’s your choice I’m not forcing you or anything...



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