Chapter Three

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Dan's POV

I woke up to find an arm on my bare chest. I picked up the hand and fumbled around with the hand to try and figure out who it belonged to. I started to panic when I realised it wasn't a females hand. Loads of questions started spinning round my head like

Who's hand is this?

Why is it a male's hand?

Where am I?!

Am I even at home still?

All the questions in my brain made me feel dizzy, so I rested my head against the wall and let out a deep breath, waking the other person up. I turned my head to see who it was. Bad idea.

"Phil!" I exclaimed in horror.

"Dan!" He exclaimed back.

"W-What happened?" I asked, confused.

"I-I don't k-know." Phil stammered, probably more confused than me.

"I should probably go." He continued, and stepped out of bed quickly. He skimmed across the room, and into his, closing both doors behind him. I heard his bed creak quiely, followed by soft sobs.

I decided I'd have a quick shower, so I fetched a towel, and walked down the hall to the bathroom. I turned the water on and flung my clothes on the floor.

Ten minutes later I was done and dried. I flung some clothes on and stepped outside, realising the sobs had stopped, I made my way to the living room. I stood in the doorway and leant against the door frame, watching as Phil is sitting casually on the sofa, oblivious to my presence.

I sneezed unexpectedly, causing both me and Phil to jump.

"B-Bless you." Phil said, hesitantly.

"Thanks." I replied. I walked over to the kitchen area to make some coffee.

"Do you want some coffee Phil?" I asked casually.

"Erm no thanks, I'm good." He smiled. I made my coffee and went to my room. I sat on my bed thinking over last night. I sipped the warm drink, ignoring the burning sensation of the liquid on my tongue. I furrowed my eyebrows together as the memories came flooding back, and realised that Phil is probably rather embarrassed about what happened between us.

I felt tears welling up in my eyes just thinking about the fact Phil probably hates me for being, well, gay. I debated in my head on whether I should leave for a bit to get my head around things, and eventually I decided that I would. I'd just leave for a few days, he wouldn't even notice I'm gone, and then I'd come back, like nothing ever happened between us.

I started to rip thinks out of my wardrobe into a small duffel bag, not bothering to even check what I'm putting in. I threw in a hair brush, my straightners, some hair spray, a toothbrush and toothpaste. I hesitated when it came to bring my phone or not, but I brought it anyway. I grabbed my wallet from my desk and walked out my room into the hall way. I tip-toed down the stairs, so as not to disturb Phil in whatever he was doing right now, probably thinking of as much ways as possible to either get rid of me, or something more traumatic, to kill me. Hopefully not...

I made sure I was out of sight from Phil, and made my way to the door. I picked up the keys, and unlocked the door. I took a deep breath, stepped forward until I was out in the corridoor, and locked it.

"Right, here we go." I whispered to myself with reasurrance, hoping it would make me feel better. I walked over to the lift, and pressed the button.


A/N - aahhhh gotta love a cliffhanger :D

Can I just say, please please pleeaasssseeeee don't kill me for uploading so late I guess it was just pure laziness and just spending too much time on YouTube and just going what is lifeee...



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