Remember It's Scripted..

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I was officially done for the night. No more needing to do anyone's hair or make-up. I had already packed up and took my things back to the car.

I would have drove back to the hotel but I travel with Trish and Amy, I don't think they'd appreciate me taking the car and leaving them to hitch a ride with someone else.

I'd probably get a chick kick and a twist of fate.

So I was now currently just lounging on the chair staring blankly at the wall. I mean I could turn on the TV.

Maybe Randy's match is now. I mean it's near the end of the show..

Go on Melody, you know you want to really watch it.

Who wouldn't wanna watch that match, I mean he is the new World Heavyweight Champion. A cute one at that too!

Wait, did I just really say that?

Get yourself together Melody.

Just turn on the TV woman.

Inner-mind battle fought, I turned on the TV. Randy had just covered Benoit for the three count. The ref raised his hand as he held his title high.

'Evolution is a mystery..'

Ah here comes Triple H, Ric Flair and Batista to help him celebrate. They are the most dominant stable at this time in the WWE.

All was going well, signs of congratulations from all three of them. Batista hoisting Randy onto his shoulders and parading him around the ring, Triple H pointing up at him shouting to the audience what a real champion looks like whilst pointing at Orton, even giving him a thumbs up.

Oh no.

All was well until that thumbs up turned into a thumbs down. Batista dropping Randy on his back whilst he was still on his shoulders.

What the heck? Even King on commentary was confused. Triple H on top of him giving him right hands whilst Flair and Batista looked on.

"What is this? What are you doing?", King exclaimed on commentary.

Flair and Batista getting their shots in whilst H paced the ring, stripping his blazer and tie.

They now had Orton held by his arms, Triple H in his face with the title.

"You think you're the man? Is that what you think?", H asked.

Randy struggled against the hold Flair and Batista had on him. They brough him up to his feet, Triple H hitting him in the face with the World Heavyweight Championship.

His World Heavyweight Championship.

Randy leant up on his forearms, bleeding from the right side of his forehead. Still getting a beat down from his now ex team members.

"You are nothing WITHOUT US!", Batista repeated several times.

Randy was finished off with a Batista Bomb followed by a Pedigree.

Haven't they done enough? The guys bleeding!

"Is Evolution really the solution?", JR commented as Triple H stood over Randy holding up the title, signifying the end of this weeks Raw.

To me Evolution was not the solution, ever.


About ten or fifteen minutes after Raw ended I had decided to go up to the Medical Room.

After that beat down I saw Randy take I was abit..concerned?

Yes Melody, it's okay to be concerned.

I reached the room, hanging back abit as the door was closed.

A few moments later all three members who gave out the beating exited the room with smiles.

"Good job kid! Took it like a pro!", Triple H smiled as he looked back in the room for a second before following Batista and Ric down the hallway.

So you give the guy a hellacious beating and then you tell him good job? What in the world..?

I slowly made my way over to the doorway, peeking in and seeing Randy sitting on the bed being patched up by a doctor.

He looked up a smiled slightly and signalled for me to come in with his hand.

At least the blood had been washed off his face..

"Are you okay?", I asked sympathetically as I walked further into the room, stopping infront of the bed.

"I'm fine, abit of a headache. I knew that title was heavy but damn..", he chuckled.

I laughed at his light-heartedness of the humour of his situation.

"It sucks, what they did to you was uncalled for."

"I guess..but it's all story, it's for the best.", he shrugged.

He has a point. It's all scripted. Just like a theatre production, full of drama but with violence.

"You could have just left the group on a nice note."

"Now that wouldn't be Triple H's style now would it? Letting me off easy.", he laughed.

"I suppose not.", I smiled.

The doctor finished patching him up, moving him away to tend to another person.

"Lets get out of here.", Randy stood up, grabbing his title and headed for the door, me following. "Thanks doc!".

"So did you catch my match?", he asked.

"I actually did not, I turned the TV on just as you pinned Chris."

"You suck, you don't tune in for the match but you tune in to see me getting my ass handed to me.", he nudged me, grinning.

"Look I'm sorry! I was packing up and stuff, lost track of time.", I shrugged.

"Pssht, sure. I bet you just watched for Flair didn't you?"

I stopped walking and gave him a look of disgust.

"Are you serious?"

Randy burst out laughing.

"C'mon Mel, just playing with you!", he smiled as he pulled me into him, draping his arm over my shoulder.

"Ew get off me! You're all sweaty and smelly and stuff.", I pushed him away.

"There is nothing wrong with abit of blood, sweat and tears!"

"But I'm clean and dressed, you're half naked.", I snorted.

"Whatever.", he smirked.

We had come at a stop at the locker room.

"This is my stop..", Randy started.

I nodded.

"I had a wonderful time on this date with you."

"I can't even with you Orton.", I rolled my eyes.

"Oh come on! This was a nice moment and you ruined it.", he sighed.

"Whatever.", I shook my head laughing.

"I'll see you later Mel.", he smiled, hugging me.

"Later Orton.", I smiled as I headed off.


So that was the second chapter to this fanfic. Hope you guys liked it!

Love of a Legend Killer (Randy Orton/OC)Where stories live. Discover now