The Other Side

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Complete silence filled the locker room as I stared blankly ahead of me as I sat on the bench.

I've been here for the past hour trying to comprehend how she found out about this.

Scrap that, I can't believe I even made that stupid bet. At the time I was stupid and cocky, saying that I could get any girl to fall at my knees and have my way with her.

Maven told me to back up what I said and the bet was placed, and I chose Melody as the one.

I only chose her because I know I would see her almost everyday on a weekly basis with her working in the company also with the Raw brand. To me it seemed almost too easy.

But that was before I even knew her.

I'm not going to lie, when I first laid my eyes on her I thought she was just going to be one of those girls with hardly no brain or anything, you could say I was very shallow about the situation. That was until she spoke to me, and my opinion changed instantly.

She was interesting to listen to, well spoken. Heck, she was a smart girl and that intrigued me to get to know her. I actually forgot all about the bet when I was with her.

I wasn't interested in the bet, I was more interested in getting to know her.

Melody did anything and everything for me. Always watching me in the ring, waiting for me at the end of my matches, helping me take care of any injuries. Many girls wouldn't do that, especially with the type of job I do.

The more time I spent with her, the more I fell for her. And the more I fell for her, the more guilty I felt about what our whole relationship was really all about.

I couldn't bring myself to tell her because I knew it would destroy what we had, yet I didn't want her to find out cause it would destroy what we have.

I was stuck in a situation which would end in the same way.

And now I was here, sitting by myself after I fount out that she knew.

It killed me to see her cry like she did, and knowing that it was all my fault broke me.

The whole scene just kept on playing and playing in my mind. The way her voice cracked, the tears what fell from her eyes, I had broken her down just over one stupid thing.

'And to think that I fell for this good guy act you were putting up.'

That sentence stuck with me. I knew it wasn't true, maybe briefly at the start yes, but it stopped instantly.

Then why didn't you argue your point to her?

Only to make things worse than they already are? I know you should fight for who you love but I just felt defeated at my own game I decided to play.

Deciding to go get showered and changed, I stood up walking to the bathroom. Running my hands over my face I felt wetness.

Had I been crying this whole time since I've been sitting here?

Looking in the mirror only confirmed my suspicions, bloodshot eyes and damp cheeks. I couldn't even stare at myself, instantly turning away, even my own reflection made me feel sick.

Walking, I headed for a shower.


Carrying my bag I headed for the parking lot. I just wanted to get to the hotel and sleep, maybe get a drink in or two before I go to bed. I needed something to numb the pain.

Walking, I noticed someone leaning against the wall, a sneer appearing on my face as I shook my head.

"What do you want?", I asked grimly.

"Well aren't you a pleasant soul.", he smirked pushing off the wall.

"I haven't got time for your bullcrap, Christian. Just leave me alone and let me go back to my hotel."

He didn't say anything as I continued off down the hallway.

"I heard about you and Melody."

I stopped in my tracks, turning around slowly to face him.

"It's such a shame, I mean I always bet that you two would be together forever.", he smirked.

"You bastard.", I fumed stepping towards him and punching him in the face, knocking him to the floor. Feeling my rage come over me I continued, Christians arms coming up to block his face.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!", an alert voice called from behind, feeling myself being dragged off of Christian. "What is all this about?", they asked demanding for a reason.

I looked to my side to see it was Dave, he kept a hold of me as I struggled trying to get back to Christian.

"You've lost her Randy. You've lost her."

"I haven't!", I denied.

"You slept with her for a bet, what makes you think she's gonna take scum like you back?", he asked.

"Shut up!", I shouted.

"I think you need to calm down.", Dave stated.

"Yeah Randy, wouldn't want daddy to be to get angry now would we?", Christian sneered, laughing lowly.

"You son of a- wait what.", I frowned looking confused.

"Melody? She's knocked up with your baby."

I felt my body go limp, my stomach turning.

That's why she was tired and sick those past few weeks, and she never even told me.

Pulling myself out of Dave's grasp, I grabbed my bag and walked away. I just needed to get away before I did anything more stupid.

Forcing the door open I made my way to my car, getting inside and just sat there, staring at nothing.

Melody was pregnant with my baby and I had done one of the worst things to her, and now we were both all alone.

Resting my head on the steering wheel, I bashed my head against it light ya couple of times, hoping to try and knock some sense into me.

Should have had sense in you all those months before you made that bet, you jackass.

Inhaling and exhaling deeply, I started the car and headed out the parking lot, driving straight to the hotel.


Thanks for reading! Votes and comments appreciated!

I know I said I wouldn't update but I really needed to get this up cause I was really excited about this. Sorry it's not all that much in length but I feel this is just about right to what I need to give away.

I've been to a comedy show and I've not long got back and decided to finish this up before I went to bed.

Plus I'd rather update something that not update at all.

I did see a comment saying that someone wanted he chapters longer, I shall work on doing that in upcoming chapters hopefully!

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