Randy's Room

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We sat across from eachother, him sitting on the edge of the bed, me sitting in the armchair.

Neither of us had said anything since we sat down, I didn't know where to start really.

I mean, do I apologise first? It seemed like a place to start, and then go from there.

"You have the whole situation wrong."

That wasn't exactly the words I had in mind.

"Oh, really? Enlighten me then, Melody. Go on.", he spoke in a mocking tone, similar to the one he used earlier.

Okay, I deserve that.

"Christian didn't - I repeat did not - come to my scan, I was alone by myself because I couldn't bring myself to ask you."

"But he had-"

"He took it from me when I showed him, I asked him to put it back once he was finished looking at it but he obviously had other intentions.", I finished. "I did intend on asking you but, I just couldn't get the words out to ask you. I was suppose to ask you the night of Survivor Series but I didn't want to bother you, I knew you had your match and figured that would be more important."

"More imporant than letting me know I could see my child for the first time?", he questioned with a glare.

Looking down I averted his gaze as I nodded slowly. "I wasn't thinking properly, therefore I apologise for that."

Randy shook his head and ran his hands over his face, "Did you not think-"

"No Randy, I didn't think. I'm sorry okay, I'm sorry I didn't think that you would want to even come with me. I'm sorry I was such an idiot.", I let out, Randy leaning back slightly at my outburst. "So, so stupid.", I sighed.

"Mel, you're not stupid."

"But I-"

"Hey, no. Look Melody..", Randy spoke, letting out a sigh. "I don't blame you for what you did, I mean you're going through alot by yourself at the moment."

I stared at him as he continued talking.

"Christian riled me up, I'm sorry I shouldn't have shouted at you the way I did. He just really..really..", he let out a puff of breath as he stood up, pacing back and forth.

Getting up I stood infront of him to stop him, placing my hands on his chest lightly to keep him in place. "It's okay, just calm down. Don't get worked up over it."

Looking down at my hands, a small smile crept on his face, "Even now after all this you still have the same, calming effect on me. Only you, Melody.", I smiled slightly at his words. "And it's hard not to.", he replied biting his lip slightly.

I tilted my head to the side, questioning what he meant.

"He's got inside my head so much, it's hard not to. I want to beat the guys face into the ground, I hate him.", Randy sighed looking down. "I hate what he's done to us."


"He's ruined us, we could of worked this out, made everything right again. Just me, you and the baby, us three together, happy.", he ranted.

"Christian didn't ruin us, you did."

Randy processed my words, blinking slowly before he let out some form of sob, slowly removing my hands from his chest as he moved to sit back on the edge of the bed, his hands covering his face.

"I didn't intend to ruin what we had, all that we built together, all those long nights spent talking..it was real."

I sat down in the armchair as he talked, intrigued as to where he was going with this.

Love of a Legend Killer (Randy Orton/OC)Where stories live. Discover now