Small Talk

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In two weeks and a day we were going to be in Milwaukee, Wisconsin for WWE's new and first ever interactive pay per view, Taboo Tuesday.

This was where fans could choose apponents and stipulations for the superstars or divas matches.

Basically, power to the people.

However tonight, we were overseas in the United Kingdom, currently in Manchester, England for tonight's Monday night Raw.

We were currently halfway through the beginning.

I was currently walking back to my station from catering, having to have a cup or two of coffee to help wake me up.

This past week I've just been tired. Every single thing seems like a lot of effort, even the simplest of tasks.

"Melody.", Randy spoke walking beside me.

"Randal.", I replied dryly.

He let out a exasperated sigh.

"You still haven't forgiven me for shouting at you two weeks ago?", Randy asked.

"Well I've talked to you like I usually do over these past two weeks so, yeah. I think that does kinda mean I forgave you."

"But you're being off with me."

I looked at him for the first time. He was wearing a light tan coloured suit, white shirt and brown shoes. "Nice get up Orton.", I smirked.

"If you're gonna hate on the suit, go away.", he frowned as he fixed his jacket.

"No, you look..", I paused, trying to think of the right word.

Now it wasn't that he looked bad, because he didn't. He looked good. But the color of the suit, I prefer him in darker suits.

Like that grey one he wore last week.

Damn he looked so good. It was hard to stay angry at him when he looked like that.

"..Good.", I nodded, straining on the word slightly.

"You hate it don't- wait, no. We're getting off track, answer my previous question."

"You didn't ask me anything!", I snapped.

"Woah. Chill yourself Melly, baby.", he replied, earning a look from me. "You've been abit techy these past few days.", Randy spoke softly.

Did he really just call me Melly? What even.

I ran a hand through my hair. "I'm sorry I just-", I started, only to get cut off.

"What's wrong? Are you frustrated? Sexually, I mean. I know we haven't had sex in a few days, is that it?", Randy asked, placing his hands on my waist.

I stared at him.

"I mean if that's the case then I'm sure the legend killer could fix that for you.", he smirked as his hands moved down to rest on my ass.

This guy sure is something..

"Randal.", I started. "We're in a corridor, I'm pretty sure our co-workers don't want to see this.", I said as I moved his hands back up to my waist.

"Damn right, keep it for the bedroom kids.", Chris Jericho commented as he walked past.

"No one asked for your input Jericho!", I shouted, earning a laugh from him. "As I was saying, not here. Plus I'm just tired, hence my slight moodiness or whatever you want to call it."

"You sure?", Randy asked, a hint of a smile on his lips.

"I'm sure.", I nodded. "Don't you have anything to do tonight?"

Love of a Legend Killer (Randy Orton/OC)Where stories live. Discover now