Overprotective Daddy in Training

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"But look at you, with your little bump and all!", Amy grinned as she knelt down and rubbed my stomach.

She is about the fourth person to do that today, as well as Adam, Dave and Torrie. I feel this is going to be my life for the next couple of months, just people touching and rubbing my stomach, whilst talking in baby voices to it as if it will answer.

Not gonna lie, it was pretty funny hearing Dave talk in a babyish voice.

"You look simply adorable pregnant, your shortness and the bump just go together.", she laughed as she stood back up.

"Hey, I'm 5ft 4', I'm not short.", I frowned.

"You are short when Randy stands next to you."

"Because he's like giant, it's not my fault he's like a whole foot taller than me!"

"What if your child ends up being as tall?", Amy's eyes widened slightly. "What if your baby is born like, really long?!", she exclaimed.

"Then I shall accept my fate and have a tall baby.", I nodded, both of us laughing.

"What are you two laughing about?"

Me and Amy looked to see Randy, who was ready for his match against Edge. He smiled at both of us before standing beside me.

"Oh, just how your baby might end up being really tall."

Randy frowned, looking between me and Amy before shaking his head. "You two are just..yeah.", he sighed before laughing. "How are you today? You feeling okay?", he asked looking down at me.

I nodded, "Yeah I'm good.", I smiled.

"You sure? No sickness or anything?", he questioned.

I shook my head.

"Tired? Too hot? Too cold? If it's too hot I'll go and ask them to see about air conditioning, I mean I don't want you to get to warm and then get sick-"

"Randy, I'm good, honestly.", I laughed.

"Uh-oh, protective daddy Randy on the loose.", Amy joked.

Randy looked away, embarrassed slightly at his outburst. Leaning my head on his arm, I took ahold of his hand causing him to look back at me. "Hey, don't worry. I know you're only looking out for me, but seriously if there was something wrong, you'd be one of the first to know.", I spoke.

He looked somewhat relieved of my words, taking a breath and smiled.

"Hmm, cute.", Amy grinned. "I've gotta go get ready for my segment, catch you two later.", she waved before walking away leaving me and Randy alone.

"You excited for your match?", I asked.

"Yeah, usual. Match is a match, plus it's with Adam so I'm sure it'll be great.", he replied.

I nodded, smiling at him. "I'm gonna go sit down, my feet are kinda hurting."

"You told me you were okay."

"I am, stop being picky at small things.", I rolled my eyes playfully as I started walking, Randy trailing behind me.

"I'm not being picky, I'm just being considerate.", Randy corrected.

"Are you gonna be like this when the baby arrives?", I laughed causing Randy to smile.

"Probably, who knows-"

"Randy!", someone called out.

We both turned around to see Mick Foley.

"Hey Mick, how are you?", Randy hugged the Hardcore legend.

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