The Other Morning After

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Authors note: I've seen some of you comment and question why Christian is a little snarky with Randy and stuff in the past few chapters, and all I can say is all will be revealed eventually..

Also apologies as this chapter I think is abit late and also a tad short. I had trouble writing it. Plus things will be picking up after this one.

Next chapter should hopefully be up tomorrow or Friday. Enjoy.


I awoken to an empty side of the bed. I placed my hand there; still warm. So he hasn't been gone long then. I listened out to see if he had gone to the bathroom, but after the silence lasted abit too long I had decided he wasn't here.

I sighed, grabbing the nearest piece of clothing what was on the floor, which happened to be Randy's tshirt and put it on. I walked out of the bedroom and into the living area of the hotel room, hoping to find him there.

I sighed, turning my head to look out of the glass door what lead out to the balcony only to find him there, back turned to me clad in only a pair of shorts.

Least he hasn't dissapeared anywhere.

I started to approach the door but then stopped, realising that he was on his phone. I wouldn't want to eavesdrop on his conversation, that'd be rude.

With that being thought I just took a seat on the armchair, deciding to wait for him to finish up. A few minutes later it had appeared that he had finished his phone conversation. Standing up I headed for the door, sliding it open as quiet as I could, and stepping out into the warm open air.

"Hey.", I spoke softly.

Randy turned around, a small smile on his face. "Hey beautiful. Shouldn't you be asleep?", he asked.

"I could ask you the same thing.", I smiled.

"I couldn't sleep.", he shrugged resting his hands on my waist.

"That makes two of us then.", I smiled up at him as my hands rested on his chest. I noticed a look in his eyes, kind of a distant look. Like he was here physically, but his mind was somewhere else.

"Are you okay?", I asked.

"Fine.", he nodded.

"But-", Randy cut me off with a kiss.

"I'm fine, honestly Mel. Nothing for you to worry about." He gave me another kiss. "Let's just get back to bed, shall we?", he suggested.

I nodded and we made our way back to bed, me cuddled against Randy's side. My arm draped over his stomach as his arm was around me.

"Who were you on the phone to anyway?", I asked.

He stayed silent.

"Randy?", I looked up at him seeing an unreadable expression on his face. He looked down at me, a slight frown on his face as if he was thinking.

"..My mom.", he shrugged.

"Your mom? At this time of a morning?"

"You know how mom's can be, y'know. Missing their kids and stuff.", he laughed slightly. "She just wanted to check in, see how I was and everything."

"I guess..", I replied unsure.

He nodded with a yawn. "We should get some sleep. Night Melody.", he said softly, planting a kiss on my forehead.

"Night Randy.", I replied.

Was it really his mom he was on the phone to? I mean, I could believe him, right? He wouldn't lie to me.

No, of course he wouldn't.


"Look who decided to finally creep back in.", Trish smirked as she sat on the couch.

"Shut up.", I said bluntly, making my way over to my suitcase to get some clothes out.

"Is that... Randy's shirt?", she raised an eyebrow in questioning.

"No... Uh. Maybe. Wait, no!", I stuttered.

"Looks like you and him got abit, how should I say randy last night.", Trish smiled, proud of her pun.

Oh har de har har, Stratus.

"I'm going to have a shower.", I nodded curtly, holding clean clothes and a towel.

"So you should, you smell like sweat and sex.", she snorted, bursting out into laughter.

I can't even with her right now.

I rolled my eyes, heading off to the bathroom. I turned the shower on, waiting for the water to warm up before getting in.

I turned my gaze to the mirror, staring at my reflection. Boy I felt like a mess. I stripped my, well... Randy's tshirt off and my underwear and stepped in the shower.

Twenty minutes later I walked out of the bathroom, clean and dressed. Trish was still sitting in the same place, reading a magazine.

"Feeling less dirty?", she asked smirking.

I rolled my eyes playfully at her and sat on the bed. "You think you're so funny, don't you?", I asked.

"Oh I know I am.", Trish laughed. "But no, did you have a nice time last night?", she asked putting her magazine down.

"It was good, yeah.", I smiled.

Trish turned her head slightly to the side, studying me. "You seem... different.", she said slowly, raising her eyebrow.

"How so?"

"You have this happy vibe going on with you?"

I pulled a face at her and just shrugged, not knowing exactly what she meant.

"Has something happened? Is it Randy?", she questioned.

I sat there staring at her for a second, before crossing my legs. "Last night when we were out, Randy maybe told me how he felt about me..", I said quietly.

"Get out!", Trish grinned, standing up and walking over to sit on the bed. "No way, he like told you and stuff?"

I nodded I reply. "It was pretty... cute. To say the least. I mean, I wanted an explanation but I never expected him to just flat out tell me how he felt straight up.", I said.

"Wow. Orton saying how he feels. That's so un-Randy like.", Trish snorted.

"That's what I thought.", I laughed.

"So you two are a 'thing' now?", she asked as she air quoted.

"I guess so.", I nodded. We were, wasn't we? I mean, that's basically what the whole topic of conversation was all about at dinner yesterday.

"Well whatever you two are, I'm happy for the both of you.", Trish smiled.


Hope this was alright. Next update soon. Thanks for reading. :)

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