Unknown Secrets

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Walking the length of the car park hand in hand with Randy, making our way to the arena.

It was the Monday after Taboo Tuesday, Randy had faced the Nature Boy, Ric Flair in a steel cage match what had left them both bloody and battered, yet Randy at the end after his victory, showed respect to his old mentor by shaking his hand and hugging him.

I still hadn't told Randy that I was pregnant.

He came backstage bloody and too tired to even talk to me, I mean he had just been through a grueling match and had lost blood, he was possibly lightheaded. I didn't want to stress him or anything. So I just left it and decided to take care of him.

And basically the rest of the week I bitched out on telling him.

Then again I was having trouble on how to even tell him that I was expecting.

I mean, how do you even tell someone you're pregnant? Like it seems so simple, yet scary at the same time.

Hey baby, so I fount out that I'm pregnant and I'm hoping you don't hate me.

No that sounds just too laid back.

Hey Randy, how was your day? Mine was good. I also fount out that I'm having your baby.

No, no, no.

I'm pregnant and you're the father.

Sounded too upfront.

Plus I don't only have to worry about telling him, I don't even know how Randy will even react, it's not like we were planning anything serious in this relationship, this relationship had barely even started.

What if he leaves me? Leaving me alone to take care of a our child single-handedly. He wouldn't do that, would he?

"Mel? Melody? Are you even listening?", a voice snapped me out of thought.

Shaking my head to snap myself back into reality, I looked up at Randy who had a slight look of worry on his face.

"Mel, babe. Are you okay?", he asked.

"Fine.", I replied giving him a small smile.

"You sure? You've seemed pretty out of it since last night."

"Seriously. I'm okay."

"If you say so, but if there is something, let me know. Okay?", he smiled softly, rubbing his thumb on the back of my hand before bringing it up to his lips to kiss it.

He opened the door, allowing me to pass infront of him before we made our way down the halls.

"So what's scheduled for tonight?", I asked, referring to any match he may be in.

"Rematch with Flair, and a little payback to Triple H at the end.", he smiled looking down at me.

"Sounds fun.", I smiled.

"That it does. I'm gonna go get ready, okay. I'll come find you before my match."

"Okay then.", I nodded, kissing him on the lips before we headed off in different directions.


"So have you told him yet?", Trish asked, appearing by my side.

Sighing, I shook my head.

"No? What do you mean no?!"

"Look Trish, he had a long match last night and he was tired, I didn't want to tell him when he was probably only half paying attention to what I was saying.", I replied.

"Melody. You're pregnant with his child. You have to tell him. We don't even know how along you are!"

"Will you keep your voice down.", I said glaring at her before looking around to see if anyone was looking at us.

Running a hand through her hair, Trish sighed. "Have you spoke to your parents about this?", she asked.

I looked away from her.

"Oh my god, Melody. C'mon.", she groaned as she collapsed into a chair.

"I'll tell them after I've told Randy."

"Which will be when?"

I looked over at her, frowning, "Look Trish I don't know, but Randy has a match tonight and he'll probably end up a bloody mess and slightly dazed."

"So you're not gonna tell him tonight either then?", she asked.

"No, I won't.", I spoke quietly as I distracted myself by sorting out the hair products I was going to be using tonight. I heard a sigh from Trish before I heard her footsteps walk out, shutting the door behind her.

Taking a deep breath I ran my hand through my hair before sitting down on the chair lulling my head back and closing my eyes.

Why was this all so difficult?

"Hey, you okay?", I heard a voice say.

Looking over, it was Randy. He was dressed in his red trunks, ready for his match.

I gave him a small smile, "I'm okay.", I nodded.

Randy looked unconvinced, yet nodded curtly otherwise. "My match is next.", he spoke.

"I'll be watching."

"Thanks.", he grinned before walking over and kissing me. "Love you.", he said quietly before walking out, not giving me any time to reply.

He just said I love you.

I love you.

"I love you too.", I spoke almost inaudibly.


Randy had lost by unknown interferance to the referee by Triple H who had hit him with the World Title for Flair to get the pin fall.

However as Triple H and Flair attempted to leave they were stopped by Maven, Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho who blocked the ramp, slowly making their way down the ring, causing the two Evolution members to find another way out of the ring, only to be ganged upon by The Hurricane and Rosey with Eugene at one side and Shelton Benjamin with Rhyno and Tijiri at the other.

They were trapped.

A knock at the door broke my gaze from the television.

"Come in.", I spoke.

The door opened, Christian appearing.

"Hi.", I smiled.

"Hey.", he smiled back. "Mind if I join you?"

"Go ahead."

Christian sat down beside me on the free chair. Both of us turning our attention to what was happening on the television.

Ric had just walked back into Randy, which got him RKO'ed causing Triple H to run out of the ring and try and escape, only to be forced back into the ring.

Triple H held up his hands, turning around to face the four men in the ring, pleading for them not to hurt him.

"So, I need to talk to you.", Chistian started.

A punch from Maven, forcing The Game back to Benoit who gave him three German suplex's.

"It's about Randy."

A lionsaut from Jericho.

The crowd got hype as they watched Randy get hyped up himself, signalling for them to lift Triple H up.

This was payback to what Triple H did to Randy the night after Summerslam.

"He made a bet to sleep with you."

Trash talking done, an RKO was delivered, not only to Triple H..

But to my heart.


Lmao, that last line is so cheesy.

Don't kill me. Things are about to get real around here.

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