Fell For The Bad Guy

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I looked at Christian, a look of disbelief on my face.

"What did you just say?", I asked lowly, wanting to hear this again.

Christian looked down and clasped his hands together, taking a moment before he looked back at me.

"Randy, he made a bet to sleep with you."


I couldn't believe what I was hearing right now.

"At the beginning of the year he made a bet with Maven for $250 that he could sleep with you in under a year.", Christian explained.

"You're lying.", I shook my head defiantly, trying to not believe what he was telling me.

"Melody, I swear I'm telling the truth. He phoned Maven telling him that he had slept with you after her had done so. Why would I lie about something like that?"

Wait a minute..


"Who were you on the phone to anyway?", I asked.

He stayed silent.

"Randy?", I looked up at him seeing an unreadable expression on his face. He looked down at me, a slight frown on his face as if he was thinking.

"..My mom.", he shrugged.

"Your mom? At this time of a morning?"

"You know how mom's can be, y'know. Missing their kids and stuff.", he laughed slightly. "She just wanted to check in, see how I was and everything."

"I guess..", I replied unsure.

-End of Flashback-

Did he lie to me and say that he was on the phone to his mother just to cover up his tracks so that I wouldn't question anything?

"Why do you think he hated when you talked to me, or was even near me? He was scared I would tell you.", Christian added.

It was weeks ago. When Randy gave Christian that look and stormed off. It was all because of that, right? That was the reason he was mad.

I needed answers, and I needed them now.


I stormed out of the room, the door slamming behind me, looking to find Randy.

I could feel myself on the brink of having a breakdown. This isn't what I needed right now, not at all. Finding out that I was carrying Randy's baby and now finding out this from Christian.

It made me feel sick.

Keeping a look out for Randy, I scanned the backstage area. Not too soon he was walking towards me, with a smile on his face.

That son of a bitch.

Doing the first thing what came to mind, I slapped him in the face.

"What the heck?!", he looked at me with wide eyes, holding his reddening cheek.

"You know what you did, you bastard.", I spat in a venomously low voice.

He looked almost confused at my outburst, like he had no idea what he had done. Furrowing his eyebrows, he shook his head slightly, implying for me to continue.

"Does a $250 bet sound familiar to you?", I questioned, crossing my arms across my chest.

His face paled.

My stomach turned.

It was true.


"Don't.", I interrupted him, shaking my head. I turned to walk away, only to feel Randy's hand grab my wrist. I yanked it away, turning back to him.

"I don't want to see you."

"Let me explain, please.", Randy pleaded.

Let me explain. Heh, this is going to be rich coming from him. Can't wait to hear his explanation.

"How do you expect to explain this?", I scoffed.

"It didn't mean anything."

"It didn't mean anything?", I scoffed. "You made a bet to sleep with me within a year!"

He lowered his head, looking down.

"How could you do this to me?", I asked my voice breaking slightly.

"It was stupid, I was being arrogant saying I could get any girl and made the bet with Maven. I saw you and decided you would be the girl.", Randy spoke.

I shook my head, looking away from him.

"I swear Melody, I didn't do this to hurt you."

"Hurt me? No. Hurt isn't the word, Randy. You have destroyed me.", I trembled.

I took a breath, closing my eyes to try and stop the tears what had built up from falling.

"Do you have any idea how it feels to be told that you were used in a bet?", I asked looking back at him, seeing him shake his head in reply.

Putting my head in my hands, I took a breath before running a hand through my hair, looking back at Randy.

I couldn't even look at him without wanting to punch him in his face.

"You know, I really loved you.", I spoke quietly.

"Melody please-", Randy pleaded, trying to explain himself further.

"And to think that I fell for this good guy act you were putting up. All the outings, the hanging out during shows, the late nights..it was all to sleep with me."

"No, Mel. That was all me. It was really me, I swear."

"You expect me to believe you?!", I asked.

How can he have the audacity to even think that for a second I'll believe anything he says.

"You want me to believe that? After what you've done? I don't think so.", I shook my head wiping away the tears what were currently sliding down my face. "I hope you enjoy your life because I've gotta care for another.", I said, his face screwing up into confusion as I started walking away from him.

"Wait, Melody!", Randy shouted continuously, yet I ignored him and kept on walking.

Needing to get away from him as quick as possible.


Took awhile for me to get this up but it's here! Let me know what you think & thanks for reading.

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