It was the Raw before the next pay per view, Unforgiven. It had been booked to be a great show, the card looked good. Trish having a match for her Women's Championship against Victoria, Shawn Michaels against Kane and Chris Benoit tagging with William Regal to go up against Evolution's Batista and Ric Flair.
There was also the main event of Unforgiven; Randy Orton vs Triple H.
This was the continuation of their rivalry since Triple H and the rest of Evolution had turned their backs and singled Randy out of the faction.
I would have normally gotten a few details on what to expect this upcoming Sunday, yet I hadn't due to not seeing Randy. And by not seeing I mean avoiding.
I didn't mean to avoid him, but that dream I had a week ago has shaken me up, plus with Christian's input of words it's had me on edge. What exactly is this thing me and Randy have going on? Besides it's not like I can avoid him tonight, as either he ends up finding me or we randomly bump into one another.
Get prepared for questions I probably don't want to answer.
I had finished doing my routine for the night so I could just chill. Taking a seat on the couch and turning my attention to the television of the current airing of Raw.
The guitar rift of Mercy Drive began.
Why is it that I always catch his matches and no one else's?
There he was, heavyweight championship around his waist making his way down to the ring. But of course, he had to do his signature pose at the top of the ramp, gold sparks and all.
Are those the trunks he wore at SummerSlam. What colour would you call that? Salmon pink? I don't even know, but hey it brings out his tan.
Randy did his usual routine as he got into the ring.
His theme was cut off by an explosion of flames, Kane walking out dragging his wife Lita to the ring. He let go of her wrist, entering the ring to give that sick, sadistic smile to Orton as the bell rang, starting the match with a collar and elbow tie-up.
Randy attempted to irish whip Kane into the corner just to have it reversed, sending him into the corner, Kane charging behind him. However Randy managed to dodge Kane, jumping over him and giving him a slap to the back of the head.
Kane did not look impressed.
Well neither would I if a guy just slapped me upon the back of my head, that's kinda disrespectful.
But then again, this is Randy Orton. The guy who has spat in the face of many.
Are you looking for a death wish, Orton? Cause with how you're behaving that is how it seems to be going.
Randy stood there with a playful grin on his face, before ducking out of the ring, Kane following behind, eventually having both men ending up back in the ring. Well, until Randy sent Kane stumbling out the ring off the drop kick.
Kane just stood outside after recoving, looking over as Randy starting posing in his usual stance.
Now is not the time to start showboating, typical of you Orton.
That soon ended as he ran the ropes only to be grounded onto his back all thanks to a big boot to the face, curtesy of Kane.
Ouch, that's gotta hurt.
Kane got out the ring, grabbing a chair and sliding back in the ring, hoping to do some damage to hurt Randy. Lita grabbed the chair and shook her head, defiant on her husbands actions. With Kane being distracted it gave Randy time to sit up and recover before saving himself from chair shots, giving a forearm to the groin area of Kane, disqualifying him of the match.

Love of a Legend Killer (Randy Orton/OC)
FanficLiving on the road 24/7 is one thing. Trying to find a special someone is another. Melody Stratigias, cousin of the famous professional women's wrestler Trish Stratus is currently working for the WWE, travelling with them constantly. Being on the ro...