Lie Lie and Lie Some More

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"How old was you here?", I asked, picking up a photo frame off of the mantel looking at it. It was of Randy with his dad and his brother and sister outside in the yard.

Randy came to stand behind me, looking over my shoulder. I heard him let out an amused 'hmm'. "Probably about sixteen maybe.", he answered.

"You look..cute."

"You trying to say I looked terrible?", he mocked, frowning. "Well then again I did have braces so maybe.", Randy laughed.

"No really, I bet you had all the girls after you, right?", I smirked.

"Guys on the wrestling team didn't get girls, that was the football team.", he shrugged. "But now look at me.", Randy smirked gesturing to himself.

I rolled my eyes at his cockiness, "Right, good looks, fame, money, women and all that wonderful stuff.", I spoke as I placed the photo back down.

"More like an amazing mother to be by my side and a baby on the way.", he corrected. I looked up at him and smiled. Smooth move there, Orton.

"Plus my good looks.", he added causing me to slap his arm playfully.

"You're unbelievable.", I laughed as I sat down on the couch, Randy sitting beside me.

"You already knew that.", Randy shrugged off, "So how are you enjoying it so far?", he asked.

We had only been in St Louis for two days as we arrived on the Wednesday, and it has been lovely so far. It's a nice place, plus his family have been nothing but nice.

"It's been great, thank you for inviting me here."

"No problem.", he smiled.

We sat there, silence filling the room comfortably. Looking over I noticed that Randy looked deep in thought as he stared ahead of him.

"What you thinking about?", I asked.

After a few seconds Randy turned his head slightly to look at me, a small smile appearing on his lips. "Jus-"

"Randy, come and help me with dinner, please.", his mom, Elanie spoke from the kitchen causing Randy to groan.

"Can't you ask Becky?"

"No she can't.", Becky appeared from the kitchen, leaning against the doorframe smirking at her older brother.

Randy looked over at his sister, glaring at her. "Shut up you."

"Mom, Randy told me to shut up.", Becky said, ratting her brother out.

"Randal, behave.", his mom raised her voice slightly.

This was truly entertaining, seeing Randy get told off by his mom.

"I'll help you, Elaine.", I spoke as I stood up, making my way to the kitchen only to be pulled back. Looking down Randy had a hold on my hand.

"No you don't."

"I'm just helping your mom out.", I shrugged.


"Randy she's pregnant, not dying. Helping mom out won't hurt her, seriously.", Becky scoffed.

Randy looked between his sister and me, I looked up at him with a smile hoping to convince me to actually let me do something. The guy doesn't even let me open a door these days. Sighing he nodded, letting my hand go slowly. "Go ahead.", he nodded.

I walked into the kitchen, seeing Elanie standing over by the sink. "What do you need help with?"

Elaine looked over her shoulder giving me a smile before turning around, wiping her hands on the towel. "If you could just chop those vegetables over there, that'd be great.", she pointed over to where a pile of vegetables were by the chopping board. "Should really be Randy's job..I can always have him do the washing up.", she thought outloud.

I laughed as I got on with chopping up the vegetables.

"So how far along are you?", Elanie asked.

"Four months this Monday.", I looked back at her smiling, her returning one.

"Aw that's exciting! Have you been finding it okay so far?"

I nodded in reply, "Yeah it's been fine so far."

"I'm sure Randy's been taking care of you, right?"

"I think he'd rather put me in a bubble and protect me from anything and everything around me.", I laughed.

Elaine smiled, nodding. "Orton instincts, protect the ones you love around you. It may seem overbearing, but he's just thinking of best interests and just doesn't want anything happening to you or the baby.", she replied. "By the way, have you two thought about when you'll both be settling down?"

I looked at her in confusion.

"You know, marriage and such?"

My eyes widened slightly at what she said.

Did she not know about me and Randy not being together anymore? Unless..Randy lied and said that we were together to his family?

Nice going, Orton.

"We've talked about it.", I lied.

Great, carry on Randy's lie Melody..

Might aswell dig the hole even deeper, right? Ha ha ha, this is bad. So bad.

Elanie nodded before asking another question, "You don't live together yet, right?"

I stood there silent for a second, trying to think of what to say to her to just ward her off of this subject.

"We're looking at where to settle for good.", I replied.

Lie two.

Well, lie three including Randy's lie.

If I wasn't pregnant I would so be kicking Randy's ass after this.

"That's good, hopefully you choose somewhere close to here, it's been wonderful having you around.", Elanie smiled.


It was close to half past ten at night and everyone had retreated to their rooms, after dinner we sat and talked amongst us, you know 'Orton family bonding'.

It was nice, however I couldn't help but side-eye Randy for for the small mess he has made.

Like, who lies to their parents that they're still with the girl that they've got pregnant? Well, okay I'm pretty sure a few people have done that in a lifetime or two. But it doesn't matter!

I feel so bad for this lie because Bob and Elanie are such lovely people and wonderful parents and it just sucks.

Dammit, Orton.

With this on my mind I knew I probably wouldn't sleep much tonight until I talk about this with the man himself.

After changing into my pyjamas I headed out the bathroom and straight to Randy's bedroom, where I was staying.

Yes, I was staying in Randy's room in which he grew up in -which it didn't make sense to me the first two nights I stayed here, but after tonight it makes perfect sense- what was filled with trophies and such from his high school wrestling team and such. It was actually pretty impressive to look at.

But I'm not impressed right now, because I'm not so impressed with him.

Closing the door behind me I leaned against it, glaring over at Randy who was sitting on the bed. He looked up with a confused expression, "What?", he questioned.


So there we have it.

I was suppose to update this like two days ago, but a Pokémon movie marathon got in the way, so sorry guys.

Also I've realised that I've been writing this story for just over a year, I first published this on August 2nd. So happy one year to Love of a Legend Killer, ha!

So, Elaine seems to have thrown the word 'marriage' and 'moving in together', oops. Randy making up lies that him and Melody are still together, and Melody adding more lies on top of that.

Randy is going to get a verbal bashing, poor guy haha.

Thanks for reading!

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