Monday Night Raw

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It was the night after Unforgiven.

Randy had lost his World Heavyweight Championship to Triple H, however he lost it unfairly.

With Flair, Batista and Coach helping out The Game to win the title. Plus with the help of a steel chair smacked to the face of Orton, finishing it off with a pedigree onto the chair, Triple H was able to capture the title once again for the ninth time.

However, put all the conspiracies aside, it was a great match.

We were onto the first break of Monday Night Raw, Evolution starting off with a celebration in the ring, which ended up a disaster as Randy had popped out of a giant cake and attacked Triple H and his band of goons.

Batista ended up with a broken nose, Flair looking dishevelled and The Game covered in cake.

It was a pretty entertaining segment. I mean, Triple H tripping over cake and getting tangled in streamers, funny stuff. Plus he was dangling head first out of a cake.

That has to hurt his pride and self esteem.

"Hey.", Randy smiled walking over to me, pulling me in for a hug.

"Hey- woah! No. You have cake on you.", I said placing my hands on his stomach to refrain him from hugging me.

Randy looked down to see cake smothered on him from when he attacked Triple H. He frowned, taking a towel what was beside me, wiping his chest free of cake.

Once he was done he looked at me, raising his eyebrow. "Satisfied?", he asked. I replied by putting my arms around his neck pulling him into a hug. Randy smiled, leaning in for a kiss. I smiled into the kiss, Randy's hand sliding into my hair to rest at the nape of my neck.

"Now, now kiddies, behave.", Jericho smirked as he walked past causing me and Randy to break the kiss. I leant my forehead on Randy's chest as he laughed.

"Can we ever do that without being scolded like teenagers?", I asked laughing slightly.

"Probably not.", Randy smiled.

"So what's happening with you tonight?"

"Main event."

"Ooh. Get you. My main event man.", I smirked.

"I know right.", Randy grinned, tilting his head up slightly. "Handicap match against Evolution."

"You against all three? That isn't fair.", I frowned. Randy nodded in response. I kept the frown on my face.

"Don't you believe your boyfriend can win?", Randy scoffed.

Boyfriend. Feels weird hearing that, ha.

"It's not that, just seems unfair. I mean they could at least give you a tag partner.", I shrugged.

"It'll be fine, you'll see.", he grinned.


Raw was less than halfway through, having just done a Tag Team match between Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho vs Christian and Tyson Tomko.

Michaels picking up the win for his team, hitting the Sweet Chin Music on Tomko, only to get hit from behind by Christian.

I rolled my eyes as Christian's theme played throught the arena. I decided to go get a drink from catering. I was nearly there when I bumped into the man himself.

"Melody. So nice to see you. Looking good.", Christian smiled.

I said nothing.

"How's Orton, by the way? Shame he lost his title yesterday.", he frowned.

Love of a Legend Killer (Randy Orton/OC)Where stories live. Discover now