*Bonus* Meet the Stratigias'

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FYI; Randy's POV


I sat in the car staring at a surburban home in a neighbourhood in Richmond Hills, Toronto.

After Trish had sent me the address I booked a ticket straight to Toronto and planned to do this as soon as I could, which brought me to now.

This was Melody's parents house.

I had set out to do what I told Trish what I was planning on doing, talking to Melody's parents to help them see some form of sense so they can be there for their daughter whilst she goes through this pregnancy.

I mean, yeah we're on speaking terms but she still needs her parents.

I don't want Melody going through this alone.

Sighing I got out the car, fixing my suit jacket before making my way up the pathway. Taking a breath I pressed the doorbell and waited, a woman who I'm assuming that is Melody's mother answered the door.

"Hello, can I help you?", she smiled.

Gosh, Melody is the spitting image of her mom.

"Hello, yes I'm here to see the Stratigias'. It's about your daughter, Melody.", I replied.

"And who might you be?"

"Randy Orton."

Her smile faded quickly, she stepped outside, pulling the door to. "Look, we've heard about you knocking up our daughter and we want nothing to do with it.", she spoke in a hushed tone, crossing her arms over her chest.

Wow, some parents these seem to be.

"Please, I need to talk to you and your husband."

"No.", she shook her head.


"Because our daughter chose to mess up the life she had, especially in the situation she has herself in."

"Do you even know what the situation is?", I frowned, feeling myself getting frustrated with her. "If you were anything decent of a parent you would be there for your daughter in her time of need and when she is most vulnerable. Also, if you were a decent person you would allow me to talk to both you and your husband and let me explain what went on between me and your daughter.", I spoke glaring at her.

Her facial expression changed, softening as she looked away from me, seeming to contemplate the thought. Letting out a sigh she nodded, "Right, I'm sorry. Come on in.", she opened the door for me to walk in.


I sat on the sofa directly across from her parents as they sat in armchairs, staring me down.

I felt like I was about to be slaughtered, especially with the look Melody's father was giving me.

Looking around the room, which was decorated nicely, had a real warm, homey feel to it. Family photos around here and there, shame about the atmosphere the room had now.

"So you're the guy who got our daughter pregnant?", Mr Stratigias questioned.

I nodded in reply as I smiled meekly, looking between them both.

"And why are you here again?"

"I'm here because your daughter needs you."

"If she needed us then she knows where we are.", he shrugged.

I can't actually believe him, he's suppose to be a father and he says that about his daughter.

"Your daughter hasn't reached out to you because after last time, how you practically disowned her because you fount out that she was pregnant with my child.", I huffed out.

Love of a Legend Killer (Randy Orton/OC)Where stories live. Discover now