Chapter 1: Dreaming Dangerous

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Welcome to the first chapter of Running Rogue.

Waking up to the sound of an alarm clock is one of the worst feelings on the planet. Especially when you're tired and enjoying your sleep. The beep is frustrating and annoying and just damn persistent. The worst part is that I have a crap alarm clock so when I hit the snooze button my alarm clock just shuts off. I am always late.

I was in a peaceful sleep, dreaming about random colors and people and for some strange reason isosceles triangles when my alarm went off. The anger associated with my alarm in the mornings was past ridiculous. My arm prepared to slam the cursed item's off button.

But what I hit was not an off button. In fact, it was flat and smooth, wait what? I heard a roar of laughter and I slowly opened my eyes to observe my surroundings. Instead of being in my comfortable bed I was in an old school desk and instead of being in the comfort of my room, I was in the hell I call school.

"Sleeping beauty took a nap, too bad it wasn't for a hundred years."

"More like sleeping ugly" someone snickered.

It quickly dawned on me that I had fallen asleep in class and been pranked by my peers. I glanced towards the teacher, who of course said nothing. Useless. I looked for the person with the alarm, Allison Port. Of course she would go out of her way to embarrass me. My personal devil.

No wonder my dreams were so weird, we were reviewing triangle proofs. Just another level of this hell dimension.

Instead of responding to the taunts I tried to get my sorts together. Drool? Seemed clear enough, next class it was.

What type of teacher lets students be bullied like that. Oh yeah, the type that gives me a C no matter how hard I try each day. He was the reason I hated maths so much, besides Allison and her cronies of course. She was a devil who made it her job to make me miserable whenever I spoke or reminded her of my presence. I can't even remember what I did to fuel her hatred of me.

"Giselle, please refrain from using my class as a nap area. I'm afraid I'm going to have to write you up." My teacher said.

That's my name, I was cursed to share a name with a Disney character. My full name Giselle Joseph, really wasn't much better but I go by Elle, like the magazine.

"Sorry sir but I have tutoring today." He knew that too, he just wanted me to say it in front of the entire class. There's nothing wrong with tutoring anyway, so what if I care. Okay, okay I did care a little, it was embarrassing, learning math had always been difficult for me.

I ran my hand through my hair to ease my nerves but it got stuck at my shoulder. Oops I guess I forgot to comb it. I tried to work the knot out with my fingers without drawing attention. I epically failed, Mr. Lore looked like he was trying to ignore my hair troubles. It was time for a better blow dryer.

"Oh. Okay, well make sure that I get the signed paper work, and I will be calling your parents if you decide to take a snooze in my class again consider this a warning." He said sternly.

Yes this was a warning, a warning where you allowed the entire class to humiliate me, maybe we need to get you an updated dictionary Mr. Lore.

As a senior in high school I was forced to sit through 48 minutes of precalculus each day of the week. Better than algebra 2, that class freshman year was the worst.

The rest of class was insanely boring and kids in the class amused themselves by being dumb. So what if I fell asleep in class, it wasn't like I was snoring or anything. I hope.

I hated my school and almost everyone in it. It seems harsh but anyone in my place would understand. Everyone was so cliquey. Well actually it was more like there was one big group of popular people and then a bunch of loners who weren't in it. I happened to fall into the bunch of loners who weren't in it. Even the teachers worshipped the group. It sucked, because Allison Port in the big group.

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