Chapter 8: Aquarium

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Today was the day! First date. First date! First date. What if it went horribly wrong? Or worse what if it sucked and he didn't want me to be his mate anymore. What if I burped? Or even more embarrassing... farted. I ran straight to my fridge for Pepto-Bismol. I drank some then went in for some tums and then for good measure I took a spoonful of milk-of-magnesia. Gross. 

It was already eight-thirty Jason was coming at 9. I thought I wanted to wear a dress but that wasn't really practical. I decided on a pair of skinny jeans and a blue knit off the shoulder sweater. I put my new white combat boots out. The outfit didn't look sexy but it looked true to me.

I took a fifteen minutes shower religiously mixing my strawberry and vanilla cleaning soaps. My hair looked like a wet mess. I worked a comb through it then blow dried it and curled the ends. I should have just braided it last night before I went to sleep last night. I thought I looked cute, too bad my mom was already at work because she didn't remember I was going to leave so early in the morning. She left a donut for me though. Strawberry frosted: my favorite. I ate it slowly and drank my hot chocolate.

I brushed my teeth five minutes later for the second time this morning. I always brush my teeth before and after I eat. That way you don't swallow the germs in your mouth when you eat and so you can get the taste of your food out your mouth after. I put my spare toothbrush in my bag alongside a small canister of cupcake toothpaste. I order my tooth paste online. What makes it so unique is the fact that it's weirdly flavored. I have even tried bacon flavored tooth paste before, it's not even as bad as everyone thinks it is when they first hear about it. I only use funny flavored tooth paste the second time I brush my teeth though, because I don't believe in their abilities to eliminate germs as well as traditional mint.

Date. Date. I was going on a date. With a guy. Today. Okay the initial shock is over.

"Elle" Jason called, he had let himself in.

"I'm coming" I yelled, I looked at myself in the mirror one more time.

I gave him a kiss on the cheek and grabbed my stuff.

"That's all?" he asked

"Of course, we haven't even been on the date yet, there will be no kissing until the end of the date."

I didn't want this date to be perfect, I just wanted a date. Our relationship wasn't normal and I thought I deserved at least one normal thing.  He opened my door and then got in the car before me.

We drove in silence for a while, I didn't know what to say and Jason wasn't making conversation.

"I'm actually really nervous, you know, this is my first date and well I don't want to mess it up" I admitted. But I didn't stop there.

"Jason I want to know more about werewolves."

He sighed. "You ask about this a lot."

Was it annoying him, was I being too annoying? I wondered.

"No you aren't being annoying or anything it's just  I'm not used to explaining werewolf stuff"

"Oh- wait how did you know what I was thinking. I most definitely did not say that out loud. Are you a mind reader?"

"Haven't we had this discussion before" His voice held an exasperated tone.

I gulped. " I don't think so, maybe... I can't remember ... did we?"

He sensed my confusion, and then started to give up his argument. I honestly couldn't remember if we had talked about this before, but I think I would have remembered.

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