Chapter 14: Sexy Fro-yo

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I know I have been MIA for a while but I had AP Exams and a Final and I have my really big research presentation tomorrow. I also have another story that I have pretty much completed (that needs editing) written down in a composition book sitting under my bed collecting dust. I would like to start uploading that story onto wattpad but I refuse to be a story jumper. So until I finish this book, SBISL, and Hotel from Hell I will not the updating my other books that I have in hard copy. Plus I have a Historical Fiction book on another account that is getting some major attention right now. 

Many of you may have realized by now that I have updated previous chapters, in other words I actually attempted to edit them in order to make them less painful to read. This book is nowhere near done sadly and it has been way too long. So expect me to start banging out updates from now on. That being said the chapters aren't going to be coming out ten pages at a time but rather 5 or 6. Hopefully. 

Thank you all so much for over a thousand reads, I never thought that would happen. Also thanks for sticking with me thorugh those long periods of time with no updates. 

PS: One more thing, does anyone miss the old cover? I think I do but I'm not even sure at this point it was a nice cover but this new one seems to be attracting more people. Which isn't everything but it is nice. 



 Heavy breathing was an understatement. I sounded like I was having an asthma attack. Jason did not seem to be having the same problem as me. He seemed happier than a shark in a feeding frenzy.

E: Jason. I think I’m in one of those heat frenzies.

J: Not possible.

He continued with his assault on my poor neck and I struggled to fight through the haze. How would he know how I was feeling better than how I would know?

E: Yes it is. I might not be a werewolf but I think I remember how it feels thank you very much.

J: You don’t understand. I would know. My wolf would tell me. You’re fine. Just relax.

I refused to have this conversation with him attempting to brand me with a hickey. I refuse to relax. I pulled away and put a good amount of distance between us and then for good measure I sat on the floor away from him on the couch. He seemed to get the message after I sat on the floor.

E: No more anything until we figure out what is happening. I know for a fact that I am in that heat thing. Maybe it’s because you were gone for so long and now that you’re back your wolf missed me or something like that.


J: You just don’t understand, my wolf would be begging me to claim you even more than usual. Your clothes would be on the floor over there if you were in a real heat right now. That would be your second one and the second one is much different than the first. Most mates don’t even have to go through more than three heats.

E: But I… I know what I’m talking about.

Jason was no longer on the other side of the couch but now right next me caressing my face. I just didn’t understand.

J: Elle, just because you feel hot and horny doesn’t mean that you’re in heat those are normal things, wolf or not.

This made sense I guess. Not all teens were werewolves. Embarrassment started to set in and then I knew for sure this couldn’t have been a heat because wanton sex- driven maidens did not get embarrassed.  But I had still felt really sure.

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