Chapter 15: Shaking up the Shark Shack

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(This new thing I'm trying like or nah?)

Excerpt: They didn’t make it any more comfortable. Jason and Ally had tried convincing me not to sleep in there but I obdurately refused. Half an hour later the bathroom door opened and Jason carried me into his bed. Any resistance would have been futile and self-punishing.

The sun streamed in through the window and I lifted Jason’s arm off of me to get up and brush my teeth. There’s no such thing as space on a bed between mates. At night we could cuddle but during the day it was war again.

When I was done, I looked back at Jason he looked so peaceful sleeping. He was kind of like a raccoon, they look all nice and cute and soft and furry but then they take out their razor sharps claws on their freaky little hands then start acting all mischievous and what not.

In honor of Shark week. My mom has been on my case about SATs so I had to learn a list of like a 100 words and then incorporate them into this chapter, sorry. Tell your parents you’re learning! I could tell you why this was so late but I won’t. I decided to drop the bold person then colon thing because it’s easier to use quotations. Thanks for almost 2 thousand reads!


Chapter 15:

“Hey babe, come check out this documentary” Jason called

I actually liked documentaries, especially the ones on National geographic. Actually those were the only ones I liked but whatever. Luckily for me the TV was playing a documentary from National Geographic. 

I plopped down into the crook of Jason’s arm and the lifted my knees onto his lap. The show was about sharks some special shark the mega-whatever.

The megalodon was the size of a school bus. It was also the largest predator ever.


The screen displayed a comparison between a megalodon and a great white shark. The megalodon made the great white look like a sardine and that is not okay. I thought about the last time I tried to go swimming at the beach. I immediately felt a little ill at the thought of those things still being alive. Fortunately the mega- monster was extinct.

“Elle check out their teeth, half a foot long” Jason exclaimed.

“F that. F this show I’m done”

Those things were like sharks on steroids. That beast was monolithic, I’m glad those things are extinct. There were some scary things in the ocean. They ate everything. No, I’m not thinking about this anymore. I reached to get the remote so I could change the channel.

“No Elle. I like this show.” He said.

No way was I sticking around Jason to watch this stupid show it was hot and I did not want to be watching TV on the couch with Jason I wanted to do something else. Ally wasn’t even here she was buying more security stuff for the house. There were security cameras now and Ally and Jason alternated watching the house. My birthday had passed it was official I was seventeen!

Jason had been too concerned with the wolf to do anything special though and my mom wanted me to spend the day visiting friends. To end my special day I got to have three teen werewolves sleep over my house. Matisse and Tayla were nice and I really liked their gifts.

Matisee made me a cool pop-up card then bought me some nice crop tops. Tayla ‘s gift was a lot simpler but still nice it was a nice dinner to Grape Garden. We all went together before we slept at my house.

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