Chapter 5: Can't Remember to Forget You

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Hey ya'll. Enjoy this edited chapter. If by chance I missed something write it in a comment. 

I am a lot of things. I can be loud or really quiet. Sometimes I'm bossy other times I am a great listener. There are also a lot of things I am not, such as heartless or a doctor. Apparently Jason got the part about me not being a doctor mixed up, because there he was on my bed bleeding with scratches and dirt all over him. He was sitting up smiling as if there was nothing wrong. My jaw almost hit the floor. My initial impulse was to express my anger for getting my bed dirty but then I realized he probably needed some medical assistance. I wanted answers but I knew he needed help first.

"Hey how's it going?" he asked as if he weren't bleeding on my bed.

I was no doctor but I knew wounds were supposed to be cleaned in order to avoid infection. I walked over to him sitting on my bed and I tried to control the heat rising on my face. I looked at the cuts to determine what I might need. 

He was sitting on my bed. Maybe he should be in the hospital? I had a boy sitting on my bed. And they said I couldn't get a boyfriend. 

Boyfriend since when was he my boyfriend? 

I'd never had someone take an interest in me that way. It was always someone like Nikki that received the attention. Even though he was slightly crazy when he mentioned the werewolf part of his life other times he was normal and nice to be around.

 Plus how many girls could say that they had a werewolf boyfriend? Not many, it was like a fairytale. I always wanted to live a fairytale.

 Given I thought mine would contain a knight instead of the big bad wolf. I guess you get what you get.

I picked up some rubbing alcohol, a towel and a bucket of water. I walked over and started wiping the blood off. They weren't as deep as I thought they were. I looked at his face and he smiled back at me. I blushed then went back to what I was doing.

Why did he keep smiling, wasn't he in pain? 

"You look cute when you are concentrating really hard" he told me.

I felt heat rise up my face. "I still think you are crazy you know, how did this happen?" I asked

" I might as well be honest with you seeing as you are my mate and now we share information. There was an attack by some local wolves that didn't really appreciate my presence in the area." He said lazily

"What do you mean? Why shouldn't you be in the area?" I questioned.

"Wolves are very territorial animals. They are also very social animals, they live in packs in each pack there is a ranking system of hierarchy if you please. Wolves that are not in a pack are considered rogues. In Wolf society rogues are seen as the dirt of the hierarchy. they are also regarded as dangerous and unstable because of the amount of time they spend as wolves. It causes them to become feral. Rogues are usually killed as soon as they cross into another pack's territory."

"So you mean to tell me you probably would have been dead by now, if things were okay in the so called pack or whatever.  Hold up. How do I know you aren't dangerous or feral or dangerously feral?" I quizzed. 

"I mean you did bite me." I added. 

He shrugged "I am not feral. I spend too much time as a human so my wolf would never take control. And I bit you for a completely different reason that had nothing to do with being feral.  I may not be the strongest wolf but I am one of the fastest."

I nodded like I knew what he was talking about and focused my attention back to his wounds.

"It's a miracle, things aren't looking as bad as I thought they were when I first came in it's almost like you are already healing. Is that another part of being a werewolf, the fast healing abilities?"

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