The Memories

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They calmed their racing spirits and beating hearts hunched over, catching the breathes that had been soaked up by the river.

Beside the river bed and the grass led a walking trail.
They followed the path leaving wet foot prints behind them as they let the night make them dry.

The slushing of there sneakers and every corner of them dripping documented every step they took.

Delaneys eyes blinked away the water to see the trees standing around the trail.

"Stop," she told Carter, holding out her arm to halt their walking.

He focas was held elsewhere, a distant time that was for a long time untouched by any recelections.

Her feet had walked these paths before.

" This way, " she pulls him down the path with only her memory to guide her.

Taking his arm, they wind down the path in turns in twists, sometimes having to retrace their previous steps, but they kept going, Delaney kept leading.

Digging deep into her mind, she remebered. Taking the last turn, she saw it.
A smile lit up across Delaney's
A small playground sat untouched cleared away from the tree's, with one small slide attached to a swingset with two seats.

Delaney wandered over to swings, pushing them back in forth in awe.

" I used to come here when I was a kid"

On impulse her fingers gripped the swing's chains putting a hault to the creaking noise it made.

When sitting herself down into the shrunken seat she realized,

"We're still just kids, I guess." Her thoughts rang.

Carter joined her, sitting himself on the other swing.

He kicked back and forth,

"We're too young to die," he mumbled to the air,

Almost as if it was unconscious that he'd said it allowed.
Carter was like that, every so often her would slip. A part of him would appear for a second and then vanish like it'd never happened.

Delaney pushed her swing back and forth, still stabilizing her seat holding her feet ferm to the ground.

"Do you remeber when we were younger, Carter?" Her voice followed the moving swing.

"Ofcourse," he answered .

"I had a crush on you." She told him, as if the history wasn't already clear.

Carter smiled child's grin into the night.

"I forgot about you."
Carter confessed.

Astonded, Delaney open her mouth to prostest.

Carter held up a finger to stop her,

"I only forgot you because I made myself."

He stopped his swing and held his fading smile to the ground.
He sits to think and then jolts back up.

"It's funny how when you're a kid, everything seems like the end of the world." He laughs, but with no sense of joy.

Delaney observed the boy carefully,

"You broke my little heart, Delaney. So I had to forget you."

He turns his head to face hers.

She examined his flushing face covered in a smirk.

They had middle school dated, nothing serious, nothing real.

But somewhere deep down, beside the raging hormones and confusion, layed a puppy love that burned a little too bright for either one of them to understand.

Delaney shut herself away, cutting herself off from the world. As Carter forgot it entirely.

"We were just kids." She mumbles to her past self.

"We're still just kids." Carter mimicks her from before.

As Delaney's heart speeds up, so does her swinging. She lifts herself higher with every kick.

Her stomach would flop as she let herself fall. She would close her eyes and let herself feel it.

She let her young heart beat as her and Carter swung in syncranated dips and lifts, catching her before every fall.

"One day we'll all just be memories" she says in a louder voice, just incase the night forgot to listen.

"Then we better make it a good one." He smiles at her.

She knew one thing,
They were too young to die.

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