The Light

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She'd made it.
As Delaney walked through the door that morning, the world was still asleep. The felt the grab of her home pull her into a hug.

She'd chosen this life. As boring as she used think it was, she never saw how peaceful when her house was quiet.

Find the good in the bad

She tells herself. She was going to listen to everything Carter taught her that night.

Even though light seared through curtains attempt to keep in the dark, the house slept ignoring the brightness.

Delaney walked up the stairs that led to her room silently, not wanted to defeat the night's triumph,
Or hers for that matter.

She had just experienced something strictly nocturnal, and couldn't wait for another chance to be in the night again.

Walking into her room, she saw things she hadn't seen before.

The crumpled up pieces of paper weren't trash to her anymore, her poems layed written on them. And soon there would be more, plenty. Ones that would forever explain what exactly she saw and felt that caused her to live.

A DVD case wasn't another thing cluttering the place up, it held a movie, a story that would always be repeating itself despite the trama and scratches of the disk, but the story would always finish eventually.

She took the purple chalk out of her pocket once more. Writting ceaselessly on her wall in capital letters she said,


And she was here to stay,
This chalk may be dulled or washed or dusted away, but as long as someone was there to write it, the relevance would support itself.

Tomorrow she would see Carter, she couldn't stay away from him now. Her lips tingled from the kiss still resonating from before. She liked to make the excuse that she needed her hoodie for tomarrow, she would say whatever she needed to be with him.

There was always a tomorrow. And tomorrow's tomorrow and the next day. She would live and breathe all of them.

Finding the simple sweetnesses that sometimes all you needed to do was ask for. The ones that even if life was dull and rigid, would always make things a little sweeter.

Delaney would always know the need to rebel. Every day life would want a everyday to stay the same, she would have to violate that in order to be happy. Rebel against her depression that haunted her, telling her, you can't be happy because you just can't. Delaney would defy against it.

And then, when Delaney's time really was up, she wouldn't leave it not knowing her. Having some mark that she made, on way or another.

She was going to say more poems, even write them down maybe. All of them were notes, in some sense. And one day she would write her last one, one that would be treasured, one that would be remembered.

She couldn't plan her last note either, she learned at that hospital that no one had control and after the crash that even the choices we make doesn't control our fate every time.

After the movies she realised everything has a story. Even if it's in the exposition for what seems like forever, it will have an end, eventually.
Some stories are long and some are short, she would just have to write everyday to extend it as much as she could.

Delaney has a knew found understanding of sacrifice.
You can't live without giving up something. Everyone has to, and if you can deal with your sacrifice you have nothing to worry, but the price of bearing the loss everyday. And that's exactly what Delaney would do.

Carter sacrificed his winning game, just so the other team could have a moment of glory. But Carter by giving up still experienced it by wittinessing it, by giving it.

Delaney would give up only to benefit others somehow.

And if she would find the need to jump, she would discover a new kind of fall, one that would keep her living.

Carter wasn't the reason she was staying for, but he was the one that convinced her. And that was enough to make him a big part of her new life.

She could do it without him, but she couldn't have made this far.

Delaney laid her head down to rest, she let herself drift off into a peaceful sleep, but restless for the world she would wake up to.

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