The The Power Of Night

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Once again Delaney's conscience had carried her to the place where it all started, and one day have to end. She hoped to herself it wouldn't be today, she could never let the bridge win.

Just as before it all changed when Delaney realized she wasn't alone.

She approached the boy sitting on the bridge. He heard her coming.

He spoke freely, as though he'd rehearsed it before. Or in the matter that his mind wouldn't stop reading it over and over again, scanning and re-editing , because it was hard to forget.

"You know one day, it's gonna rain. And nothing's gonna be left."

The boy ran his fingers over the chalk, trying to grasp it's fresh touch.

"The chalk will be washed away-
He'll be washed away for good."

Delaney tried not to agree with him. The note, the message. Soon enough it'd be lost in the dreary river. Turning the yellow powder into a floppy liquid.

But she' d written it down-
Memorised word for word. The nights she started to contemplate, her feet would lead her to here, back to him.

The walks she went on, they'd always lead her here. The more she went, the more she realised that after the night with Carter she was never going to jump.

Only in the back of he mind between the old books and the dusty pages,

That somehow,

He would show up and try to stop her.

He's the bridge, I have to get over him.

I'm the heart, I have to keep beating.

She let the sit in his own remorse.
The bittersweet essences of nostalgia beating down on Delaney.

"But why?" The boy said.

"Why did he leave his last note to you, why his last night? He could have stayed longer -"

Tears fell around the boy's eyes, they splattered on the bridge's stone.

"Maybe the note wasn't just for me, maybe it was for everybody."

Delaney spoke softly.

"Maybe he chose me because he wanted life to be lived, even of he wasn't the one living."

The boy interrupted her. He had the same sad.

"But that's what I don't know anymore, what makes life worth living?"

He turns his tear streaked face towards her.

So many things.

Delaney wanted to say.
She could tell him everything, list them one by one until he was satisfied.
Sweetness of taste, rebellion, thankfulness, friendship, purpose, passion, sacrifice, love, creation.

The list that would continue, but the one that started with Carter.

She could just tell him, but Delaney knew it didn't work that way.

Delaney looked deeply into Brady Sakmar's eyes, she grabbed his hand and led him off the bridge.

She spoke simple words to answer his question, ones that weren't hers to begin with, but ones that could change a life or even start a new one.

"Let me show you."

Brady leaped down from the bridge, taking Delaney's hand. He was now engulfed in a journey, filled with purpose and hope. Taken over him with an unexplainable force.

Carter knew it, now Delaney was a friend of it as well.

The change made by the power of night.

A heartbeat in chambered in my core,

At first so wrongly right,

Now closely waiting for what's in store,

The life given from the power of night.

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