Aww hell

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In the morning I forgot to get my clothes out the dryer. I jogged to the wash room in saw it has been taken out already. Someone folded my clothes neatly in sat them in my basket. I smiled. I was exiting when all of a sudden Desiree was at the doorway. "Carnell did it" she smiled. I smiled back as I thought of me and nellz conversation in my room. I guess it was his way of thanking me. I side hugged Desiree in ran upstairs to go thank Carnell. I placed my stuff in my room. Eh I'll hang my clothes up later I thought. I went to Carnells door in knocked. The door slightly swung open I entered his room. He not here. I walked over to his dresser eh I'll leave him a thank you note. I looked around for paper in a pen. There was a box stacked with paper. I reached for some but that some was already written on. Whats this. I glanced at a couple of sheets. Letters to his dad, I sighed reading some. Damn it had to be over 50 letters in this box. Not my buisness I thought but ay it wont hurt. I shuffled threw the box and read one titled Happy Fathers Day.

I smiled.

[Dear Dad,

I know its been awhile since you heard from me, Auntie has been keeping you busy though. Im hoping your doing okay, I know Ive been slacking on returning your letters but I just cant find the time to send them off. We been so busy with work. I know how proud you are of me. Oh before I forget, Im engaged to Desiree, the family didnt like how I proposed but she sends her love. She wants to meet you..soon I tell her. I want you to know your not hated by me dad, What you done, your paying for in that cell. I use to have hate but God shows me to love. I miss mom. Do you?. You know I do miss you aswell. I know you miss me too. I'll visit you soon dad I promise. Well I'll let you go you probably have to whip some butt in Dominos or Cards. LoL.

Much Love and Happy Fathers Day again, Sincerely your only son Carnell Hunnicutt Jr.]

Awe I smiled.

It was alittle emotional by his letter. I thought to myself as I browsed through his box. Stamps & Envelopes. I grabbed 3 of his old letters put them in an envelope in stamped it. I ran outside to the mailbox. I slipped the letters inside, closed it and went back in.

I prayed boy dont let him hate me for this.

I was almost to my room when Bryan stopped me and told me mom was planning a dinner for us and everyones girlfriends were invited so I had to be ready in a hour. I sighed to myself. "Aiight" I nodded to Bryan as he went downstairs. Desiree and Ahrielle is cool, Loissa is fine but now I have to deal with Ambrya ghetto ass? I thought. Oh boy. I walked in my room grabbed some clothes. I headed to the bathroom, took off my clothes, turned the shower on full blast, letting the sprinkles massage my chest. I cut the water off in less than 45mins, got out and stared at my body. Oh I need to shave. I laughed. I took a razor from the cabinet and the shaving cream in added some to my face. Getting all the hair. I looked good. I looked down. Penis needs a shave too. Hair cant cover up my big man. I sighed. I wouldnt want meet someone I really like an scare her with this wolf. I grabbed my dick in my right in slid the razor alittle bit across my gonads. Cool. There was alittle more hair I didnt need. I dabbed the razor in water than move my dick over to get the unwanted hair. BAD IDEA. Clip. "AH FUCK!" I shouted. I cut my dick alittle bit at the top. I exhaled in inhaled. "Im okay" I let out a breathe of relief. I dabbed myself with tissue. It stopped bleeding. Last time I try that shit. I shook my in put on my clothes. I shrugged at myself. Time to go. I left the bathroom meeting Carnell. "Thanks for my laundry" I smiled. He nodded. Once we got downstairs everyone was at the table. Mom was putting food out back to back. Everyone greeted me. I nodded a hello. The table was covered with *Greens,Corn,Mash potatoes,Chicken,sweetrolls,Pecan pie, Peach cobbler, & Cranberry sauce* Drinks were *Lemonade, Water with cut up lemons, and Rootbeer* Time to grub up I smiled rubbing my hands together. We said grace in everyone gathered they food.

"Soo whats new with yall ladies?"

I broke the silence.

"Whats new"

The guys looked at me as if I was crazy. Ahrielle spoke. "Im teaching dance class with amazing teens this year" she smiled. "Cool" I nodded.

"What about you Des?".

"Im doing some modeling for Old Navy" she smiled. "Sweet" Ambrya chimed in. I laughed. "Im dancing at 411 with Sean and also modeling for this Company" she smiled at me. "Cool Brya" I said alittle annoyed. 'And what about you Loissa?"

Loissa looked at me than Dustin.

"What about her?" Dustin said in a angry tone. "Im just having conversation" I rolled my eyes.

"Soo Loissa whats up"

Loissa looked nervous.

"Since when do you care about what are girls do anyway!?" Dustin snapped. I sighed. Mom and Jim jestured for Dustin to settle down.

He didnt.

"What my girl do is none of yo bidness Kel, if you had your own girlfriend you wouldnt need to question ours!!!" he yelled.

Jim shook his head.

"Kelly just let it go"

I kept calm.

"Nah its cool Jim, and for your info. D' I dont need a girl right now Im cool". He gave me a evil ass look.

"Maybe cause nobody wants yo stubborn ass" Patrick intervened. I shot him a I know you aint talking look. Dustin in Pat both ganged up on me until I got fed up in exploded.

"Look!!!! both yall asses need to reality check yall own love life. Yo ass treats her like shit'!'" I pointed at Dustin. "Who really cares if you aint single the record label will still make money if you show off your model girlfriend!" Loissa gave me a look than continued eating. "And Jayden has nothing to do with this group, she should be allowed to post his photos all she wants!!"

Dustins face was red. My mom and Jim just kept quiet. They knew I was right. Patrick smirked eating his food. I slammed my fist on the table. "And you" I pointed to Patrick. Ambrya gave me a look. "And him what?, our relationship is fine!" she snapped. I laughed. "Oh really well did you know he cheated on you in NewYork and again this year?!" I snapped back. Ambrya's mouth dropped. Patrick glared at me and mouthed 'what the fuck'. I shrugged. Im sick of secrets. Before I could speak again Patrick dove across the table and punched me in the jaw. I fell on the ground. The girls screamed. I got up mouth bleeding and charged at Patrick. We fell on the countertop. Jim in Mom quickly interfered and broke it up. We cursed back in forth. Mom commanded us to go to our rooms, we did as we was told. I laughed at the thought of Ambrya's face when I told her the news. Owell I grinned. Thats what she get for opening her big mouth. I looked at the time. [10pm]' I sighed in dozed off.

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