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I got up from the table as mom walked in on the phone.

"Yes I know but...This just cant be...Im really lost at words here...". She paced the kitchen. Whoever she was talking to was making her hair turn grey. I walked to her in kissed her goodnight, she swatted me away. Damn. Nigga being friendly in get the boot. Owell. I grabbed me a apple out the basket in headed to my room. Time. [4pm] I sighed in removed my clothes. I layed down thinking. Javi Javi Javi. I bit my apple. I couldnt wait til she arrived I smiled.She let me know her date she touches ATL and said that I could pick her up from the airport if I liked. Hell liked? I Loved. I was really being fragile with this one. Damn. I just kept wondering what if she didnt feel what I felt. I sighed. Nah she had to hell the ladies love me. I checked my txt messages, tossed the half eaten apple in the trash, than went to bed.

Morning was Carnells BIG DAY all because of my BIG HEAD, the one on my shoulders in not in my pants. I got myself dress in went downstairs. He was sitting on the edge of the table. "You Ready?" I asked placing my head on his shoulder, "Yup" he half smiled. I rolled my eyes grabbing my keys in we left. The drive was only 4 hours. Before GA prison Carnells dad was in Conneticutt Prison, we would of needed to leave earlier if he still was I laughed to myself. As we were driving this busy highway, the radio entertained us with "There you go by Pink, Breaking the Habit by Linkin Park, Clarity by Zedd, You dont have to call by Usher, and many more songs we liked. Carnell face had no expression as we pulled up to the Prison gate. I drove in anticipating for about 10 minutes, taking it in that we were really here. We got out the car in headed in. "Were here to visit Carnell Hunnicutt Senoir" Nellz told the woman behind the desk. "Visiting forms" she asked with her hand reaching out. He gave them to her, she glanced at them. Carnell smiled. I smiled. "Just a minute" she said getting up from her chair, she walked away than 10 minutes later she walked back. "Im sorry young man" she said, handling Carnell the forms. Right then my stomach dropped. "Whats wrong?" he asked leaning over the counter. "Your dad is in the hole" she shook her head. I sighed a relief. Wooo I thought she was gonna say dead. Carnell looked at me funny than back at the woman. "May I know why!" he kinda shouted. "He got into 3 fights on the yard, some men were saying he didnt have a son because you never visited and he got mad, you can guess the rest" she smiled. "Im sorry you fellas came all this way, He will know you came and also..." she reached down. "These are for you" she handed Carnell an envelope. Carnell nodded "Thank you". He stormed out the Prison in headed to the car. "Thanks again ma'm" I smiled than followed him.

On the drive back he didnt speak. I didnt speak. We let the car be silent. Time [9pm] we arrived home. Carnell finally got out than he opened the envelope. He sighed. "You wanna talk about it?" I asked, he shook his head, "Not now". I nodded in we walked inside.

When we opened the door there stood a guy, he was about 6'2 and he was dressed in jeans in a white tshirt. Mom was on the phone and my brothers were at the dinner table. She quickly hung up once she saw us walk in. "Oh Im glad yall are here, have a seat' she signaled. We sat down. "So whose the square?" I laughed looking dude up in down. The others shrugged. He reached his hand out at me "Im Jesse", he said with a stern voice pretty deep voice, it was kinda a blend of mine and Dustins. I didnt shake his hand so he returned it back into his pocket. "Uh huh" I rolled my eyes, "Why are you here?", He remained silent. Mom finally spoke.

"Guys I dont know how to put this but this is your brother" she smiled.

"Brother!!" we shouted in unison.

"Oh hell nah!!" Patrick laughed

"Like hell it is!!" Dustin shouted

"Where the hidden cameras, come on out Ashton" Bryan laughed looking around. I sighed. We all bickered some more than mom stomped her foot on the ground.

"Im serious, your dad had an affair when we were married, same time you were born Kelly, Jesse was born" I clenched my jaw. Why me. She grabbed Jesse's things, "I'll put these in the guestroom upstairs" she smiled. "Thank you Mrs.Breeding", "Call me Adrian' she said, he nodded then she vanished.

We all stared Jesse down. He stared back. Dustin spoke. "What your momma want child support?" he grinned looking Jesse up in down, "Yea alittle too late for that shit" Patrick added, "Real late" chuckled Carnell. Jesse remained silent. "Where you from?!" Bryan shouted. Jesse looked his way, "The army sir" he replied. "Sir?!!" they alll laughed "Maan dude we aint no fucking sir!" Dustin cried out, "Be sir when I hit 80" Patrick laughed. Jesse clenched his jaw. "Ol black Nick Jonas looking ass" Dustin laughed. So did the others. I looked at Jesse he was looking at me. The guys steady teased him than suddenly he grew some balls. "Well whens the last time yall put out a album?" Jesse's face had no expression. My brothers were quiet. Dustin rose up from the table, "Lets go yall for I have to whip his ass like he was my brother" Dustin shot me a look as he walked off he nudged Jesse shoulder. I sucked my teeth. They all exited leaving me in Jesse alone.

"Sorry about that" I sighed

"Dustin is a real asshole".

He nodded, "No worries, if I wanted to take him out I could" he half smiled. I laughed. "So you were in the army huh?", he nodded, "Serving my country yup" his face went serious again. "Cool!" I laughed "Well let me show you your room, he cleared his throat and we headed upstairs. We entered he sat down, I stood by the door. "Thank you" he said with his head down, "No problem bro", he looked up at me, I smiled. "Ay next time Dustin ass talk shit I might just have to knock those dimples off his face" he chuckled, I laughed. "Cool, well Goodnight man" I closed his door, "Night Kellz". I smiled inside. Believe it or not but this whole having another brother thing might not be that bad. I entered my room, texted Javi, and dozed off.

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