The catch

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Me and my family have been all around the world. I have never had a place to call him. I had a brother. His name is Blake. My mom and dad are always busy with the company and traveling. Sadly I'm a junior. I will be a senior in 1 month.
We aren't the perfect family. We always move. We might seem the way we act and look. But inside I wanna escape.
I love my family to death yet I want to settle and make friends and find the love of my life. Maybe it will happen.
We moved into our house today. It was 5:25 and this house was beautiful. Over the years I finally convinced my family to let us make a home. Since my brother also travels and stuff he needs a place to come back. He's 14.
He really don't need to be moved around to much.
But something caught my eye. It was a boy. He looked very tall and fit. Maybe he played a sport.
"... Wha... Out "- him
"Mm..what"-me intruped by my thoughts"
That's when u saw the football fly in the air. Immediately I run towards it catching in with one hand and tombuling to the ground. If I don't catch it, it would have hit a lamp causing it to hit my brother.
Thank god I've been raised with football.
He seemed to notice. And came Running to pick me up.
"Nice catch"-him

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