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I'm kinda nervous... Wait. No I am. I feel like I'm jonna throw up. I run to the bathroom and splash cold water onto my face and take deep breaths.
I hear a girl cry and I turn to see her on the floor with blood.
"Omg what happened...."I grab a paper towels and dap on her cut to clean up what I can.
"I .... You .. Know"I an see embarrassment in her eyes.
"Come with me I still have like 40 mins until I have to go and perform."
I carry her to my Luke's  car and leave a  text for him explain what happened.
He immediately TEXED back and understood.
I start to drive to my house which we are lucky cause it's just 5 blocks away.
I run inside and grab supplies to clean her up.
After I clean her up we talk for a bit as I drive slow so we could connect. We get out and I immediately walk to back stage.
I had her number so I could help stop her before she try's anything worse.
I'm already in the back with Luke as I begin to set up. I meet his friends which were really nice and fun. And hell funny. I turn and go to the mirror and begin to change. I still had like 5 minutes. So I change not caring if I just met his friends but they knew and just kept talking to Luke. Which of course was looking. I smirk and walk up to him and pull him away from the conversation and pull him around the corner.
He begins to kiss me as I kiss back. In almost down with getting ready but I still have to apply mascara.
I lead Luke to the mirror and sit down in the counter as Luke have in between my legs. And begins to get close. But before he dose I put my mascara in between us. And smile. He immediately apply it in my eyelashes and came close to my ear.
"You don't need it. But the only reason I accept it I because you do and it brings your features out. But I still love when you look natural. "
I cut him off and turn him around. I jump on his back as we make our way to the stage and say our hello's and begin to pick our instrument up and begin. 

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