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"Hey I'm luke"
"Ins Sandra"
"Nice to... Omg ur bleeding"
I looked down and saw I had a cut in my knee. Oh great. I guess he knew what I was thinking and picked me up and carried me into my house. My dad saw and smiled. My mom smirked and worded the words "what a gentleman, I like him"
He saw and smiled and said hello. He carried me all the way.
"So how did you learn to catch like that."
"My parents... Mom was a cheerleader; dad was quarter back."
"Dang.. I'm quarter back."
"Lol okay."
He smiled and carried me outside.
"I can walk. You know"
"Yea but I like having you in my arms."
I blushed and looked down. He noticed and laughed.
"Why do girls do that. They hide all the beautness and never show. That's what let's us guys know we have a chance."
Was he thinking of me and .. Him. I thought for a second and said"well you just might" and winked.
He carried me all the way to the park. His eyes were so gorgeous I couldn't stop looking. He noticed and rubbed his nose on mine.
"Where're here"
I looked around. It was so quiet and peaceful. I closed my eyes and listen to the water run. And the birds sing. He grabed my face and leaned in ... Stopping inches away saying.....

"Is it bad that I'm falling in love with you already...?!?💕

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