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I punched Luke. And hard. And walked off.
He laughed and noticed I wasn't playing. Around.
"Sandra. "
"Come here"
"We'll talk about this later. Just plz know I'm not mad and we have to tell my parents about what coach said. "
"DAD. !!!!
" come here "
He walks up as me and Luke sit down
"I have something to tell you "
"Go "
I tell him the news and he gets excited. And starts dancing. He soon leaves as Luke spends the night with me. They trust me. Cause like idk. I haven't down anything bad.
Currently we are watching tv and then my dad bursts in.
"I git tickets for the weekend. We will be going to watch the gators play. And Luke can come too. "
I smile and jump up and run to him and hug him. I run to the hallway and open my brothers door and tell him the news.
"Hey Sandra I got a call from blakes manager. He said he will like to set up a meeting and talk about you joining your with Blake. "
I listen to my mom and realize that I will have to talk with Luke.
"K mom"
Blake jumps me as I tell him to wait and I have to talk with Luke.
"Luke "
"Yes babe "
"Can we talk "
"Why did you post a video of me "
"Cause the world needs to know. "
"Babe have you realized that oh ace ALOT going on in my plate with football, cheering, extra classes. "
A tear rolls down my cheek. And Luke wips it away.
"You can handle it. Your future is bright. Mine is bright cause your in it. "
I smile.
"Since you got me in this you will help me MR.LUKEHEMMING " he soon tickles me and relplys.
I soon smile and kiss him.
"Oh Sandra my band is playing in tomorrow at a party and I want you to come. And sing. "
I smile and nod.
I start to get sleepy so I start to humm which soon turns into us both sing each other to sleep.
Best lullaby ever !!!!!!

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