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Black out.
Just great. I don't rember a single thing that happen.
I hear. I get up with my hand on my head and all I rember was. Nothing!!!! Dam it. What the hell happened.
"Sandra... Are you okay."
"Yea I don't rember anything.tho"
He looks at me with sadness in his eye.
I laugh uncontrollably.
"Sandra how many fingers am I holding up"
"Um.... September"
He looks at me with confusion yet concern.
I laugh again and slap him.
"Yes I rember. I just don't know how I black out.... It sucks. But I don't want to know. So let's do practice."
After practice.
"Wanna go out to eat."-luke
"Yes. Let me just text my mom."
"I already did."he said smiling and putting his arm around me.
"Thx... Babe"
"Your welcome princess"
Omfg. I love him.
As we are walking to the locker room I turn him and lead him to the car.
He looks at me with a "what are you doing look"
I laughed and once we reached the at. I got my bag and stated changing. I had a sports bra under. And I'm pretty sure I have approved underware. I saw him come to me once my shirt was off. I liked at him and blushed. He was covering me from the guys. Which were whistling.
After I got dressed we went to Mc Donald's. Cause I love their egg mc muffin and if you don't. I can careless.
We drove back while I stuffed my face. I was so sore. Luke looked at me and smiled with his God perfect teeth.
I smiled back with food in my mouth which made us crack up dieing.
Then my song came on. !!!'💗💗
Luke's pov
God. Practice was perfect with her. I put my arm around her and lead her to the locker room. But instead she lead me to the car. I looked at her with a
"What are you doing look" and she just laughed. She then hit her cloths and stared changing.
God!!! She's so perfect. I'm lucky as f..&
I turn and see the guys looking. So I go and cover her and she smiled and kissed me. Practice. Is the best with her. Instead of these douche bags.
And after she was done I asked her to break fast since we have like 15 min before school.
"Yeh let me just text my mom."
"I already did"I told her.
She smiled and I kissed her.
We left and picked up break fast. We were both so happy. And stuffing our faces. 😍. I look at her and smile.
She smiles at me playful with some food In her mouth. I love how we are so comfortable with one another. God I'm so lucky.
We laughed and listing to our song. She  sings really good. Like. I recited her good and posted it.
Which I instantly got over 1000 views💕🔥
I tagged her and hoped she liked it.
Seriously what can't my girlfriend do. ✨👑💍💗

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