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Last year we had to move because of her.
My family never kept contact with her cause she tried separating my parents. But faking an affair. With my dad.
I knew at the time and told my mom a head of time so we can act as if we didn't know.
So when it happened. We exposed her to her husband and the broke up.
She has a daughter that is my age. And is probably now at this school. I wonder who.
"Hey auntie"
"Sandra dear ur free to go"
"Seriously.... I just got here"
"I saw the video and ur lucky ur boyfriend helped you out"
"How did you know"
"Honey I know everything. "
I got up and walked to the door.
"... Not everything ..,"
And closed the door. Hopefully she wouldn't change her mind and ask for an arrest. Idk
I missed. 2 periods waiting for her.
I check the time.
I'm late for football/ Cheer practice.
I run to the field in my sports bra and cheer shorts. (It was our practice uniform)
When I ran out I checked my time again and saw I was early.????
O well. I ran around the Feild. Warming up to practice by myself or with the team??? Idk.
I plug my music in my ear and keep running.
I turn and see Luke next to me running. I stop and fell back on my back. I relaxed and rested.
Luke came and picked me up when I noticed the football team come.
"How are you... What did she say"
"My aunt well she..."
"Yea. But I missed cheer practice."
"No you didn't. You have it tomorrow while we practice. .... Rember... Monday,Wednesday ,and Friday is football. Tuesday,and Thursday are cheer"
"Oh thanks I forgot. "
"Hey.... Get over here"
We ran to coach and stopped
"Yes coach.."
"What are you wearing"
"I got mixed up in my days and relied I had football today and cheer tomorrow."
"For practice you just run, streght, and practice your tried and kicks. "
"Kk "
I ran and and jogged for 20 mins
I streght and practice
My trows.
I herd some voices and turned to see the guys staring at me.
I ran to luke and kissed him and turned to them and finished my workout.
"Hi I'm jake"
"Hi I'm... Ohhh well you know."
"Yea... I was wondering "
"If... What... You know I'm taken right"
"Yea if you can help me with my kicks"
I grabed a ball but before I kicked it I herd someone say...
"She can't kick.
I turned and looked and a girl that was really slutty. I smiled and kept looking at her. I kicked as hard as I could and turn to see it fly threw the Feild goal. And hit a car.


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