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I felt someone lay next to me. I turned and noticed it was him💗 I smiled and closed my eyes.
I got up and remembered what my dream was about. I looked to where he would've laid.

that's when I noticed....
He woke up and smiled.
"How did you get in"
"The window.. Duh"
I slapped him. He pouted and leaned in to me. I stopped him and said.
"Get ready."
"For what"
I jumped On  him and he tickled me. I looked at the clock and noticed I had 45 mins left before school started. I got off and went to the bathroom.
I straighten my hair and put on some white shorts and a crop top saying "messy hair don't care"and put light makeup.
When I was done I got out and noticed he was gone. He probably jade to go get ready. So I kept walking and just when I got out I felt him pick me up and carry me down stairs. We said good morning and and got in the car.
He was already dressed. And he got me STARBUCKS AND TACCOS
Man this boy can kill you with one look.
...(skip drive)
We arrived and I noticed that this school was huge. I could see the football field from the parking lot. I smiled and he noticed where I was looking. He grabed my hand and led me to the field 🏈💍/////

We played nonstop. What he didn't know was that I'm also a punter and when I kicked it it went flying 80 yards and about 15 feet from the ground. He caught it and said "go long"
I laughed and started sprinting. He launched the pass and it caught up with me. I jumped and caught it with one hand. As I came down I didn't realize he was close and he caught me.
"My hero "
"Wow I saved the day again"
He joked and laughed.
"Great catch you must be Sandra. "- coach.
I smiled and shook his hand while looking past him noticing that all the football guys looking at me either SUPRISE or with lust. I smiled and talked with coach.
We walked past the guys. And all I got were stares, hello's, and whistles. I blushed. But then felt a hand grab my hand and turned and saw that it was ..💕

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