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I'm up. It's currently 4 am as I hear the alarm clock go off from my phone.
I get up and crawl onto Luke.
"Babe wake up"
"Maybe. " he grabs me and pulls me close.
I get up and carry him to the shower and put him in. He screams as the cold water hose on both of us.
"Is it bad the my girlfriend can carry me. "
"Idk but I like when you do it tho. "
We are close and wide awake. And we begin to kiss.
We begin to take off our clothes. As we intake each other for the fist Time.
I put the water in warm. And switch sides with him.
"Might as well get used to it so when we get married we will be comfortable. "
I smile as I feel him wash my body. It was weird for the first 3 mins but I soon GIT used to it.
I switch sides with him but he continues to keep looking at me. I'm putting conditioner on and come close to Luke and put my hands up to wash Luke's hair.
He kisses me as we become close. I pull away when I feel us getting to close and comfortable.
"I'm so sorry babe."
"Don't be. Maybe we'll finish later. "
I get out and hand Luke a towel.
As we get ready our suite cases were already ready as I begin to get ready.
And wire this.

We are already as its me,like Blake,Hayes,mom,and dad

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We are already as its me,like Blake,Hayes,mom,and dad.
We drive to air port and immediately get star bucks.
Me and Luke are weird we tend to take what one another has. So fir example I have the Carmel frappe. And he hit mocha. We take sips and switch.
I hear our flight get called as we all get up and a bord the plane.
When we get off well be in Florida.
I sit in the middle seat as Luke is at the window. I soon see.

He comes close to me as I tap on Luke's shoulder and he sees my eyes and smile. Me and aren't the jelouse's type. Special since we're together.
Luke knows why I'm acting crazy. I practicality forced him to watch teen wolf.
I sits down beside me as I freak out and he laughs.
"Yea but I can stop. "
"Naw. A cute girl like you dosent needs to."
I smile and we talk and introduced Luke to him and we soon become friends. Close actually. I soon get his number as he gets ours. His friends are behind us as I turn to see.
we all be gin to talk and joke around as our plane begins to leave out if Texas.
I end up getting their numbers to and soon a fall asleep on Luke.
"Your one lucky dude."
"Ikr. She what every guy wants "
"And that makes more guys go after her. "- Shawn.
"Hey I've seen your videos your really good. Maybe we can collab. " Shawn
"Sure. To help the bands name to get out there."
"But seriously your lucky cause I'm you didn't have I would have asked her out. Tbh. We all would have. "
We all laugh and make small talk and talk about random stuff as I fall asleep for real this time.
This day just got better. 😍

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