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I run to Luke and tackle him.
He gets up and cares me. We go to his car and see no debt or broken glass.
I check. And apologized
"Babe that was a good kick.
"Thanks but I almost broke ur car.
"Hey Sandra.
I turn and see ....him.
I run up to him and hug in so death.

Luke's view.
We go to check my car. That kick was far. I have no idea how perfect she is.
"Babe that was a good kick"
"Thanks but I almost broke your car"
"Hey Sandra
We turn and I see a guy.
She runs up to him and there on the ground.
Yup. I'm jealous.
He was to perfect. He's the new guy. At school. Said he had a sister that was her----
He can't be her brother right. Maybe he's not. Or more.
Sandra's view
I can't believe he's here. He has been getting more famous. I don't know how. But my little brother is cute. So maybe that's how. I've been in some musical.ly with him but I don't know maybe I can get famous like that.
"What are you doing here "
"I was looking for you and when I saw a football get punted in the air that far I knew who was the kicker. "
I smiled and hit him. I turned and realized like was trying to figure. I grab blakes hand. And lead him to Luke.
"Hey Luke this is my lil BROTHER Blake. "
I see his facial expressions smile. I knew it.
"Sup man. I'm luke and it's nice to meet you"
"You to and just know. I have fans that will come at you fast if you ever hurt my sister. "
Luke laughs and picks up Blake and carried him to the Feild. We played and I showed coach my brother and well let's just say I'm more athletic them him.
"Hi coach what do u think ABIT my brother. "
"Well I can see who has the football skills. "
"Hey Sandra I was wondering if you started looking into what collage you want to go to. Cause I have a older brother who is the coach for the Florida gators. And he will soon see you play for in the game this Friday. "
"Your welcome. Now go practice"
I ran and jumped Blake and Luke came on top of us.
"Hey babe. "
"Yes" Blake answered while I laughed
"Not you dip shit... Luke. Coach told me about his brother. And said he will be at the game.this FRIDAY. "
"That's great babe. Now let's go "
(Schools over)
I'm like seriously jumping up and down fast. I need to tell me dad about what coach told me.
"What...yes. "
He was about to say something until my phone beeped. We arrived and was getting out of the car. I open my app which was YouTube. And saw that I had 450k of subscribers and likes.
I look up and scream.

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