Chapter 4

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You wake up the next morning completely satisfied. He made you extremely happy the night before, with the dinner and the walk through the city. Although you didn't want to leave Barneys embrace you had to get up sometime. After about 15 minutes in his warmth you finally got up and went to the kitchen. You started humming the familiar Barney tune as you were cooking (F/N). You turned on the radio and started dancing around to (S/N). Completely lost in your own world you didn't notice Barney coming in. He walked up behind you and wrapped his arms around you. You jumped a little in surprise but soon got comfortable in his warm grasp. "I love you (y/n), and thanks for breakfast." You giggle a little bit and continue on cooking (F/N). He grabbed a mug and poured himself coffee. As he walked out he hit you on the ass. "Nice one" he said with a growl. You laugh, and continue on your duties. 

Once you finished cooking you set everything on the table. "Come on honey!" 

"Just a second!" 

You sit down and begin to eat breakfast. 

"What d'ya think?" Barney said, you looked up and you saw him in a fancy suit. 

"What's that for?"

"Oh don't tell me you forgot?! It's my moms birthday today! We're going out to dinner tonight!"

"Sorry Barney! I'll pick out an outfit right now!"

You scurry off to your room and ravage the closet. Barney finished breakfast and stood in the doorway. He saw you were nervous about the outfit. "We've got about 6 hours until the dinner, don't be so frantic honey." he said as he pretended to look at a watch. This calmed you down, "Sorry.. I just completely forgot and I feel so bad." You replied. 

"No, no don't worry it's alright. Here I'll help you pick out an outfit for tonight." For half an hour you kept trying on outfits and he helped you decide which outfit was best. You picked a red lacy dress with black pumps. 

It was around 5:00 when you started doing your hair and makeup. He just threw on his suit and declared himself ready. "Ugh, Barney you're so lucky you look good naturally." 

"Hey, don't say that about yourself (y/n). You could have just woken up and look like a model."

You blush and look down, he always knew what to say. When it was about 6:00 you stepped out. His jaw almost dropped to the floor. "God, (y/n) you look amazing." You looked down and smiled. When you looked up his hand was held out for yours, you gladly took the offer. He lead you out the front door and into the car. You drove down to his mothers selected restaurant. It was a Chinese restaurant, one of your favorites in fact. Barney helped you step out of the car and he grabbed the gift for his mother from the trunk of the car. You both stepped in the restaurant and you were in for a pleasant surprise. 

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