Chapter 3

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Did he just ask me to be his girlfriend? Last night we became best friends again. I walk over to him and say "Drake, I-I can't. Last night we became best friends again. I think it's for the best if it stays like that for a little bit.Ok?" "Ok." I give him a kiss on the cheek and go back to my room. 

I call Cece and tell her everything that happened yesterday and today. She was shocked. Our conversation didn't last that long so I didn't get to tell her about Drake asking me to be his girlfriend in the garden. 

It's now 3:30 and Drake went home. I'm kinda glad he went home. I'm not trying to be mean by saying  that I was glad he left but it was kinda awkward. I'm kinda glad that we're friends again. A part of me kinda missed him too. Now that we're friends again I wonder what school is gonna be like. 


I wake up to someone shaking me. "Vivian! Vivian!Vivian get up we're gonna be late!" I groan and get up. I do my usual make up and I get dressed for the day. I go downstairs and eat a bowl of cereal. After that I go to Cameron's car and see him waiting for me. I get in and we leave. 

We get to school and like usual I'm pushed into the lockers. I look to see who pushed me and it was Michael, one of Drake's friends in his group. I look around and I don't see Drake anywhere. "Aw is the little psychopath gonna cry." He says with a laugh. Everyone around starts to laugh. Next thing I know I'm punched in the stomach then my face. I whipe my face and see blood on my hand. I get up, go to him, and punch him right in the face. I push him and he falls back. He gets up, wipes his faces, sees blood on his hand and starts to chase me. 

After 5 minutes of chasing me I run up the stairs and he follows and pushes me against the wall. He starts to hit me harder and harder. I get up, punch him, and run to my locker as fast as I can. I get to my locker and take a deep breathe. Just as I expected, Michael comes up to me and punches me. I sat on the floor and he looks at me. I see Drake standing next to him. They start to laugh and so does everyone else. I get up, get my things, go over to Drake, slap him and say "I don't ever want to see you again!" I walk to homeroom, find a desk next to Cece and sit down.

The bell rings and we go to Health class. When we leave homeroom Cece comes up to me and says "Where were you this morning? OMG! What happened to you?!" "I was- I'll tell you later." "Ok."

We get to Health class and take a seat and wait for our teacher to begin. "Good morning class. Today we are going to talk more about the human body." She continues on about the human body so there isn't really nothing good to talk about.


I told Cece what happened this morning and she felt really bad and was really mad. She wanted to punch Drake and make him suffer.

"I have to tell you something." I say to Cece.


"So um on Saturday Drake um asked me to be his girlfriend in the garden."

"OMG! What did you say?!"

"I told him that I think we should stay friends for a while and I gave him a kiss on the cheek."


"I know and now that I think about it I should have said no."


"You look like you want to tell me something. What is it?"

"Is there any possibility that you could um I don't maybe set me up with Gabe?"

"Omg! Sure." I say laughing.

"Thanks." She says starting to blush. The bell rings and we go to our last class for the day.

Class ends and Cece and I head to our lockers. When we get there I see Drake leaning against the locker next to mine. "Hey." "What do you want? Didn't I make it clear I didn't ever want to see you!" I say getting my things out of my locker. "My mom said that I'm spending that night a yours today. Could I go with you guys instead of walking there?" "You're gonna have to call Cameron and ask him yourself." "Ok." 

I start to walk out and I can hear someone calling my name from behind. I turn around and see Cece running towards me. I start to laugh and when she catches up to me we both laugh. "I'm not gonna let my bestie walk home alone." "Thanks." I say and we start to walk home.

We get to the house and we go to my room to do homework. We set your things down and sit on my bed and start doing homework. After homework we got ready for bed. I turned on the tv and went to Netflix. I found a movie on Netflix and went to sleep.

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