Chapter 5

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm. I get up and go to Cameron's room to see if he's awake. I go in  and he's asleep. I go back to my room, grab a pillow, and go to his room. I go in and he's still asleep. I go over to him, hit him with the pillow, throw at him, jump on his bed, and say "Cameron get up! We're gonna be late for our flight!" He gets up and gets ready. I go back to my room to get ready.

After I get dressed I go down stairs with my bags and wait for Cam. As I'm waiting I get a call from Cece.

Cece - Hey

Viv - Hey

Cece - Are you ready?

Viv - Yeah. I'm so excited!

Cece - I can tell. last night my phone was buzzing from all your tweets 

Viv - Oh sorry if that woke you up

Cece - it's ok. 

Viv - good. Well I have to go. I'll talk to you later.

Cece - Ok bye

Viv - bye 

I grab my bags and go outside where Cam is loading up the car. "I didn't have breakfast." "Ok. We'll to Starbucks." "Yes!" I get in and we go to Starbucks

We get to Starbucks and when we get to the cashier she says "Hi welcome to Starbucks what can I - OMG YOUR CAMERON DALLAS AND VIVIAN DALLAS!!!!!!! OMG I LOVE YOU GUYS!!" "Hi. I don't want to be rude or anything but cane we order we're kinda in a rush." "Oh sorry sure." She takes our order and we wait for our drinks. Our drinks are ready so we take them and leave.

We get to the airport and wait for our flight to be called. It's 10:00 and I get a text from Cece.

Cece - hey

Viv - hey

Cece  - are you on the plane?

Viv - no not yet

Cece - ok. so guess what

Viv - what

Cece - Gabe asked me to be his girlfriend!

Viv - omg! what did you say?!

Cece - I said yes

Viv - good for you Cece. you got your wish

Cece - my wish to date Gabe 

Viv - yep I'll text you later I'm going on the plane now bye

Cece - bye 

I put my phone away and follow Cam. We get on the plane and take our seats. When we take off I put my headphones in, listen to music, and fall asleep. 

I wake up to someone shaking. It was Cam. "We're about to land." "Ok." I put my phone and my headphones away. We land and we get off the plane. When we get off I see a group of boys coming towards us. "Cameron!" They all say. I look at them and I see people I know. Taylor, Aaron, Carter, and Jacob. "Um guys aren't you forgetting someone?" I say pointing to me. "Vivian!" They all come over to me and hugged me. After the hug I look around for Hunter. Cameron walked over to me with some guy. "Vivian." Cameron says. "Yes- Omg! Hunter!Hi!" "Hi!" We hugged for a while until Cameron said "This is going on Instagram! Two friends reunited again!" I blushed and Hunter pulled me into another hug. "I don't to be rude or anything but the limo is waiting for us." We pulled apart and walked out side to where the limo was to take us to the hotel.

We got to the hotel and went to the front desk to check in. "Ok. So in room 200 will be Carter and Taylor, Room 201....." She continued on. "Room 208 will be Cameron and Aaron, and finally Room 210 Hunter and Vivian." Yes! Now I can catch up with him and see how he's doing.  

We go to our rooms and the first thing I was told was

 "So any boyfriends?" I laughed


"Any crushes?"


"Omg! Who!? Come on I'm your best friend."

"I don't know if I wanna tell you."

"Well you can tell me when you want ok?"

"Ok. So any girlfriends?"


"Any crushes?"


"Omg! Hunter you have to tell me! I can help you get this girl to be yours!"

"Ok but I'm not telling you her name."

"Ok. So what is she like?"

"Well she has brown hair, beautiful brown eyes, a cute laugh, and is amazing."

"Well she sounds amazing."

"She is."

"Ok. So what kind of flowers does she like?"


"Ok. Is she gonna be at Magcon tomorrow?"


"Ok. Buy a bouquet of roses and a big card."

"Ok. I'll go and buy them tonight."

"Ok."  We talked some more after that. The rest of the day we were in the room where Magcon was held and they rehearsed while I was messing with the music. I was basically the dj while they were rehearsing. I'm glad I came. I get to hang out with my best friend and help him get this girl to be his.

When I got back to the room it was 10:30 p.m. and Hunter went  to buy the things for his girl. I decided to take a shower and watch a movie afterwards. I got out of the shower, changed,watched a movie, laid down, and fell asleep. 

When I woke up Hunter was shaking me. "Hunter it's to early." "Fine but you're gonna miss Magcon." Once he said that I jumped up and got ready. I did my usual make, put on leggings, a tank top, and my converses. I finished and we went to the room where Magcon is. We go in and they start to do the meet and greet. I stand over by Taylor's, Aaron's, and Carter's  girlfriends Bella, Megan, and Thalia.

"Hey if Cam or someone wonders where I went I went to my room to get my phone." I tell the girls. I run up to the elevator and and go to my room. I put the key in and see my phone on the bed. I grab it and run down stairs. I go in and one of the spotlights is on me and I see Hunter on stage with...

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