Chapter 1 Bright light

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Avalon Thompson is a very unique 10 year child, but her adoptive parents think that she is a freak. Laying on her bed reading her favourite magazine whilst listening to music, letting her black curls fall over her cheek and shoulders her adoptive mother barges in her room shouting. ''Avalon Thompson get down this stairs to your father now''. Leaping off her bed doing what she had been told, she ran down the stairs in to the living room where her adoptive father stood tall overlooking her with a disappointed expression across his face "don't   look at me with those black eyes" shouting at his small, slim daughter. "You snuck out again last night to go see that stupid friend of yours, well it stops NOW! Just as her father finished telling at her, her mother walked in with her hair tightly held up with pins and wearing a blue slim dress to show her figure, looking at her daughter's eyes swell up with tears at the coldness of her father's voice "don't you dare start crying, you pathetic, idiotic girl her mother insulted. After hearing the comment her mother had made Avalon's blood started to boil and grinding at her teeth trying to bite her tongue, when her anger exploded a sharp green light burst from a slim body throwing her parents off their feet to the other side of the room bouncing against the wall. Her heart started to pulse as she saw both her mother and father weren't moving, her chest seized up and tight as she soon realised that her parent were dead. Collapsing to the cold wooden floor tears flowing down her roses cheeks, crying herself to sleep at the pain and damage that she had made.

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